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Comment Re:Not really a surprise.... (Score 4, Informative) 219

It's never about the moral high-ground. It's always about diplomatic leverage.

This excludes actions by populist elected bodies or particularly fickle monarchs. But in general if one nation is doing something to another nation, it's maneuvering by state and intelligence departments.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Mars, Ho! Chapter Twenty Nine

Destiny and me woke up at the same time the next morning. We cuddled a while, made love again, then made coffee and took a shower together while the robots made us steak and cheese omelettes and toast and hash browns. Destiny put on the news. There was something about a problem in one of the company's boat factories; some machinery malfunctioned and killed a guy. I sure took notice of that! They didn't really have much information about it, though

Comment Re:I live in Montana. I'm looking forward to it. (Score 5, Informative) 389

Why does this guy have so many dedicated fans?

You're the guys who have this whole fictionalized "al gore obsession" where you pretend there's a cult of personality. You don't actually need to have one over Watt. He's just one shithead. Let it go.

Here's your Liar cite promised that a new examination was neutral and he'd base his views on that.

Immediately rejected it when it showed the scientific consensus. He's a liar. Established.

Shilling established

Now will you PLEASE stop defending this scum?

Comment Re:Or (Score 2) 389

Your lack of understanding here doesn't mean shit.

An example of hypothesis here, say that carbon dioxide absorbs the primary spectra of light that radiate from the earth as kinetic energy, is easily proven in a lab with easily acquired equipment.

The primary inference of that and other hypotheses that you're pretending is up for debate has been so thoroughly demonstrated through both direct observational evidence and predictive modeling based experiments, that it's accepted by experts throughout virtually the entire applicable field.

It's not anyone's fault but your own that you see applying predictive value from existing theories, and corroborating that with real world observational evidence as anything other than normal scientific application.

There is no standing null hypothesis to the idea that the earth is rapidly warming due to CO2, there are a couple of alternate assertions about the cause of observationally higher temperatures that technically have some scientific basis, but none of them have anything approaching the respectability de facto scientific understanding that the earth is retaining more heat than ever before.

The fact that you don't even begin to understand the philosophy of science isn't a reason global warming "is bullshit" it's a poor reflection on your own character.

Let me repeat, you don't even understand how science works. And you should start learning somewhere.

A complex well-established theory is not the same as a hypothesis, and you should either learn the difference, or not pretend to understand.

Comment Re:"Thus ends "Climategate." Hopefully." (Score 1) 497

Well, I mean, of course they haven't succeeded. We live in a democracy, so people are power, and they've won a big enough chunk of people to hold sway for a while.

But we also live in a representative republic. And the elitism designed into the system sort of works. A little. Policy makers are sometimes moderated by practicality.

It's just enough that there's a potential avenue of progress.

Comment Re:DGW Dinsaurogenic Global Warming - crisis of ti (Score 1) 389

Oh yes, do show me what data I cited was wrong.

Please. Please, absolutely do.

I get that every time facts come in it makes you look like a bumbling idiot, and you object to that, but come on.

You make up an excuse, it's relatively easily demonstrated to fantasy, and you demand credentials, as if credentials were what was missing from the climate science side.

Comment Re:DGW Dinsaurogenic Global Warming - crisis of ti (Score 3, Interesting) 389

Let's just pretend for a moment the answer to that question isn't yes

That wasn't even the point being made. It's the temperatures that are the threat to modern forms of plant, not CO2 concentration. Any farmer will tell you about the importance of climate to growing a particular crop.

Comment Re:Or (Score 2) 389


1. The status quo is a powerful force on both an economy and politics
2. Debating real facts about the effects of certain types of human activity is important
3. You don't know what "bogey man" means.
4. Because coal is cheaper in the short term, not accounting for externalities, and climate change is becoming increasingly clear as an important one

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