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Comment Re:1..2..3 before SJW (Score 2) 786

It's the SJW ninnies that are trying to pretend that nerds are the perpetrators here when they are generally powerless and denigrated.

I find the idea that nerds would ever chase off women particularly amusing. Hell, most of us would KILL to have women around. If women are electing to not pursue the field, it's certainly not because they're unwelcome. On every team that I've ever been on with women, the guys went out of their way to be nice to them.

Replace the word "nice" with "creepy." The problem with the unwashed coding masses is that they have no idea how to treat women as people, learn how to communicate in the their language, show any interest in what they like, etc.. Instead they try to find women who are just fantasy versions of themselves, but with boobs.

Comment Re:Hope! (Score 2) 522

Personally I want a hackers OS that I can play with and tweak as I feel like, but I accept that many people basically want open source windows or even just zero cost windows (i.e. free as in my wallet).

How about neither? I want a rock solid OS that can scale to N processors, allows hot swapping of hardware, allows the admin to spin up CPUs and memory on a live system, and has drivers that can be added and removed on the fly. That is, all the things that any enterprise level server OS has.

Comment Re:First taste of Mac OS X (Score 1) 305

I recently started a new role, where we predominately use Macs. As a long-term Linux user, I thought this would be a good opportunity to try out Macs, in case one day I decided to switch. Initially, I was very impressed, but after a few days, I find the whole thing to be dumbed down, unnecessarily.

  • Compared to Dolphin, I find Finder far too limited, especially the inability to show hidden files. I've got no idea why there is no such menu toggle built into it. What are Apple afraid of? This is especially annoying when I have to look for .m2 and .git files. Sure, I can use the command line, but it's not as intuitive.

A little googling would help you with all these issues.

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES

Comment Re:Is this anything other than a press release? (Score 1) 91

Antarctica is the most comparable place on Earth, and we've not managed a large-scale colonization of it yet despite the easy access, regular resupply flights and air.

That's because short trips to Antarctica make more sense. When you are talking about Mars, you are talking about a very long trip, i.e. permanent.

Comment Re:As a matter of fact... (Score 3, Insightful) 408

it appears to be a very predatory way of doing business on my eyes.

I remember an article I read on the late 80's or early 90's about how some small companies of that era feared growing too fast and ended up catching the attention of Microsoft, that at that time was buying everything and everybody (prices are pretty lower at that times). Building something cool that Microsoft would need was the fastest way of going out ot business.

Completely different. Microsoft would find a company that had a product that they wanted. That company had two options. Sell to Microsoft, or get destroyed. Sometimes it meant Microsoft finding a similar company, or developing in house. But either way, the masses would get a free product from Microsoft that sort of did the same thing, or pay for one that they don't realize is better. One prime example is Netscape. Microsoft bought Mosaic, called it IE, and gave it away for free. Bill Gates was renowned for "declaring war" on small companies. He is absolutely ruthless when someone says no to him, and lashes out like Stalin on steroids.

What Apple did was buy some companies that could be used to make better products. Notice that the Microsoft ones were never, or rarely, better than the other guy. They forced it down your throat using their monopoly. These are also not competing companies, just those that have something that they want to use in house, not resell.

Apple is an evil company, as are all companies. Microsoft at its peak was a criminal racket, and history will look back with an unbiased eye, and shake their heads that we let them run rampant like we did. If you want to know why, check out the history on the trade deficit in the 70's and 80's. Microsoft was one of the few companies that sold abroad. Also look at their campaign spending. They practically own the Washington state legislature. Now it doesn't seem like a big deal, since that's status quo. In the 80's, back when the US still had some integrity and a Constitution, it was cutting edge evil.

Comment Re:Is there a single field that doesn't? (Score 0, Troll) 460

you joke but you are probably correct here. The issue is not that 71% of all women are being sexually assaulted. Its that 71% of all women "feel assaulted" Somehow in the past 40 years what someones feelings are trump what the actual actions are.

  Saying something sexual, is NOT sexual assault.

I disagree. The problem is that most men think that the way they sometimes treat women is not sexual assault, when in reality it is. This should be an eye opener for all men to take another look at themselves.

Comment Re:"Keeping the grass short" is hugely expensive (Score 1) 178

But despite the veil of exclusivity, most really make ends meet by renting the place via their banquets office and low-cost "social" memberships that enable use of the foodservice areas. They need them to keep the place running.

Great spin there. No, that money is spent for opulence. No grounds should cost that much, nor any snack bar. The point is that golf exclusive golf courses are not supposed to make a profit. They are supposed to spend all their money on the course. The high fees and rentals are for increased opulence, you know, more gold faucets in the bathrooms, and another tenth of a millimeter off the putting green, cuter blond waitresses.

Comment Re:Probably a bad idea, but... (Score 1) 192

Scotland's independence, if it happens, is probably a bad idea. It'll cause all manner of short-term problems, and the long-term repercussions are hard to predict worldwide.

Get over yourself. This is Scotland, not the Soviet Union were talking about. Greece, Yugoslavia, hell half of Europe split off parts left and right, over the last couple decades and we survived. Just because they speak English suddenly it's a big deal. Macedonia? I guess no one cares if they speak Greek.

Comment Re:Too expensive (Score 1) 105

You're not their target market. There are a lot of old-school tinkerers who are familiar with Dremel - and a lot of people who are familiar with Home Depot - who know nothing about 3D printing. Many of those folks would be very interested in 3D printing if they knew about it. So here we are.

I think Dremel is going to raise the stature of 3D printing in an entirely new market and that will quite frankly help every other company out there in this space.

This is the first 3D printer I'm seriously tempted to look at. Dremel makes professional tools for fine detailed work, and I have some faith that this device will work well. And it doesn't have that "maker" stench of unwashed wanna-bees. Not a device to "hack" or experiment with, but one to actually get some useful parts built for my current projects.

Comment Re:At some point us intelligence changed (Score 1) 183

If I have a problem with US intelligence organizations(and I do), it's that their mission transformed from being pragmatic and getting useful, accurate assessments to military and law enforcement branches in the US to being paranoid about the theoretical possible threats that might exist to US interests in some way shape or form.

The problem is you believing that. The driving factor is money. The information is important to the ruling corporations to keep their profits up. Also, organizations need to find excuses to increase their budgets to hire more cronies onto the payroll, not to mention massively overpriced contractors. The opposite of an organization growing is shrinking, and those that are losing money, NSF, NASA, haven't found a way (or have too much integrity to go this route) to utilize fear and hatred. This has absolutely nothing to do with the organization wanting to protect citizens.

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