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Comment Re:Comcast is an icon of the "new" Corporate Ameri (Score 1) 272

There's no such thing as a free market. There isn't a single market in the world that has zero barrier of entry, perfect competition, perfectly rational consumers, and so on and so forth. I hate it when people keep bandying about that term. It's just a hypothetical academic concept, like "frictionless surfaces" in high school physics.

Comment Response to Competition (Score 2) 94

I think this is a response to the underwhelming hardware Sony and Microsoft are rumored to be planning on releasing. If those companies' greedy executives get their way, we'll end up with a "next-generation" of consoles in 2013 with underpowered 2010 hardware, which they'll sell at a hefty hardware margin. They're probably also unwilling to allow Steam to operate on their consoles, so rather than be locked out Valve is going to go forward on its own.

Comment Re:Because Hybrids Don't Pay For Themselves (Score 1) 998

The batteries aren't the problem. Even in the Leaf the battery costs around $6000. The rest of the car is infinitely easier to produce than an ICE. The insanely high cost of EVs can be attributed to manufacturers requiring extremely high margins to "recoup investment", and a lack of mass production and economy of scale. Once China gets involved EV prices should drop off a cliff.

Comment Re:Oh enough with the range whining (Score 0) 998

EVs won't be more expensive forever. The Leaf batteries are around $6000. The rest of the car is infinitely easier to produce than an ICE. The insanely high cost of EVs can be attributed to manufacturers requiring extremely high margins to "recoup investment", and a lack of mass production and economy of scale.

Comment Re:SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! (Score 1) 274

I think what's more important is optimizing textbooks to be as easy to use as possible. It seems like everyone misses this point. One author writes a book, releases a few new editions, and that's the end of the lifecycle. Each author has his or her strengths and weaknesses, and rather than combining the strengths of various textbooks to make one super book, you can a bunch of separate and unrelated books.

Comment Re:here's an idea (Score 1) 159

You hit on a major point. They had momentum, and they blew it. After all they're run by engineers who are completely out of touch with mass cultural social trends. I think the only company who could possibly dethrone facebook is Apple, but with Steve Jobs gone I don't think even they could do it right anymore.

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