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Comment Re:Pudge doesn't know anything (Score 1) 6

But, some people can change from conservative to liberal, and liberal to conservative, even more than once. I find that hopeful, but pudge I find less hopeful.

But I presently think his inflexibility may be the best he can do, to avoid even more cognitive dissonance than people already give him, possibly because he has attributes of a high functioning autist.

People will often find ways to overcome cognitive dissonance, but many can change to relieve it and face consequences about self image of an 'incorrect' past, or past behaviour. And, rather than suffering from cognitive dissonance upon improvement, they might actually improve, and be comfortable.

Maybe pudge can not change and be comfortable.

It makes me see him in a different light. A more Christ-like light.

Comment Re:Pudge doesn't know anything (Score 1) 6

I am inclined to agree with the tenor of what you say.

But I take it as a given that people can change. And while I admire many things about pudge (I really do), his actions show him to be very very very resistant to change or even its possibility, but his self-image is just the opposite. He seems amazing unaware of this cognitive dissonance, but very aware of the topic of cognitive dissonance.

Quite an interesting guy.

Comment money (Score 1) 12

who wins or loses the most? "insurance"

they take money in dribs and drabs, and figure out how to give out the least amount, so


and if that involves buying, influencing, or replacing the legislature, the executive, or what ever,

it is only money

the pharmecuticals? hey, just a subsidiary of the insurance companies. The doctors? hourly workers. you don't get rich working for a living, you get rich when the money comes in even when you sleep.

Comment Re:Do you believe you are a (Score 1) 9

It sounds like you have the diagnostic criteria of Asperger syndrome.

So I think you believe you are a HFA. But, I believe people are not diagnoses. People are unique. I would rather examine how you present to me; my understanding of that may be improved by considering how a HFA would present, but I will hopefully always be aware that you may present in surprising ways that will help me.

I confirm I am happy to get to know you better.

Comment Re:A Star Trek World (Score 1) 4

So who is China?

And, overall, I am not sure that the Europeans are doing that bad, even with no capital and burdened by socialism. I doubt they have the same market penetration (what a term) by computer games as in Springfield, but maybe there is something about their lives that is better.

Move? Too bad my only language is English (so the obvious choice is a outlying cloudy frozen island colony of the US, with bad food), and my skills US-centric.


Journal Journal: "No one prospers unless he renders benefit to others." 4

"No one prospers unless he renders benefit to others."

A good line, but free-market zealots parrot that no one enters a transaction unless they want to. But then we get monopolists and mafia in the garbage business and corrupt unions, because they know how to get someone else's buck so well- yet the victims benefit. So, how about:

"No one prospers unless she renders fair benefit to others."

Comment Re:Two weeks, right? (Score 1) 11

So does a comment sniper lay in wait of the two week deadline, then just before that, fire a devastating round that no one can return, when the topic closes?

If so, 4 hours makes some sense, but talking about "cutting off" confuses me. And 4 hours just means comment snipers will post when their opponent is asleep.

It seems allowing two weeks would give other comment snipers more time to find a comment sniper who wanted the last word, and deny it to them by beating them to death with an endless set of responses to their attempt to get the last word. Eventually both comment snipers will lose their jobs and starve to death, removing two comment snipers from the gene pool, a good thing.

I think (comments to comments)^n are a good thing, because people who put everything in their first post are almost always misunderstood. And people who must have the last word are a bad thing. So, sometimes I try to cut off a jerk who must have the last word, by saying something like: this is my last word, but feel free to post something else if you feel you must have the last word, because I just had MY last word.

Unfortunately, people who are misunderstood may not understand. And people who are wrong often don't understand either. And people who must have the last word usually take it, and it frustrates me, because I want it.

Anyway, go ahead and respond, this is fun.

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