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User Journal

Journal Journal: I am for incestuous marriage 2

I confirm I am for the right to incestuous marriage between consenting pluralities of persons over 18 years of age. And I do not limit this support to those persons sterilized, or consenting to mandatory abortion upon evidence of pregnancy, nor by race, gender, or mental capacity. Pluralities? Well, couples, trios, quartets, etc. are all welcome to avail themselves of this right.

My church? Why, the Church of What's Happening Now, my friend. Sure, join up.

But, I confirm I do wish the state would get out of the business of marriage. And religions would get out of the marriages of others.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Wow... moderation in all things, maybe even pudge... 3

I confirm that pudge has been noticably more measured in his journalling. Have you noticed? Compared to a year ago, he seems downright moderate. Now, I know he still blames liberals for things he should share the blame for, but, really, I confirm it is a breath of fresh air to see him occasionally journaling with some common sense.

Maybe he actually does think about his affect at times.

User Journal

Journal Journal: The mysterious #26 of the "Ass Pudge" series...

I confirm that I got a message that pudge had posted a journal entry.

"New Journal Entry by pudge, "Ask Pudge 26: Copyright Royalties / WMD in Iraq / GM Foods" Sunday April 19, @02:43PM"

I went to read what my friend had written, and it was gone! Apparently, it was so over the top, that not even he could bear to read it. I can only imagine.

Usually you might see such at or maybe at some church site. But no sightings have been reported. Will "Ask pudge 26" be the one that got away? Inquiring minds want to know.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Sad, sad, sad. Lana Clarkson and Phil Spector

Phil Spector is found guilty of killing Lana Clarkson of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High".

"He was often described as being a bully in the studio, a man with a liking for guns and an eccentric personality."

But he had that right. Until he put a gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger.

User Journal

Journal Journal:

This discussion was created by pudge (3605) for no Foes. They don't want you in their sandbox.

Have to define fascist for this though, I'll give it a quick simple try, prezs who take orders from corporate interests over the interests of the "we the people" folks.

This is off-topic. His sig is not in reference to my journal entry. I won't say don't respond to him, but please keep this discussion very very short.

My two cents: no, this has nothing to do with fascism, and further, does not describe any of the men you mentioned.

I confirm: Pendantic. Control freak. Overbearing. Poor grammar. Quite subjective. I could go on.


A Friend


Journal Journal: Red Alert! pudge journal posting, slashdot FOES may post! 5

I confirm that pudge has a SLASH journal entry that reads:

"My neck has been hurting recently when I wake up. I need a new pillow. I have no idea where to begin looking. Suggestions?"


I am too polite to post there, but I confirm that my suggestion and answer to him would otherwise be,

"You don't need a pillow, you need to get your head out of your ass."

What would your suggestion be?

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