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Comment Re:Confused (Score 2, Insightful) 323

Even one computer has lots of cables.

One Computer:
  1. Computer Tower Power Cable
  2. Monitor Power Cable
  3. Monitor VGA Cable
  4. Keyboard Cable
  5. Mouse Cable

Extras for the computer that I have

  1. Speaker Cable, which splits into 2)
  2. USB Hub Cable (I have 2 usb ports, 1 in front 1 in back)
  3. USB Hub Power Cable
  4. Printer Power Cable
  5. Printer USB cable
  6. Ethernet Cable
  7. External Harddrive USB cable
  8. External Harddrive Power Cable

Then don't forget the misc. cables.

  1. Lamp Power Cable
  2. Telephone Cable Cable
  3. Camera Charger Cable
  4. Camera USB Cable
  5. Phone Charger Cable

And none of these are the perfect length so I end up have bunched up sections to take up the slack.

Comment Re:library of congress (Score 1) 495

That raises another question. Would the library of congress still be the library of congress if you moved all the books into a different building (of a different mass)? Or is the library of congress perpetually tied to one building, even if all the books were destroyed and replaced with with different copies? What if you replaced each brick/beam/wire/ornament on the building one at a time till none of the original remained?

Comment Re:Trusting strangers vs. cicrle jerking (Score 2, Insightful) 202

For your astronomical example, what are the chances you have friends smart/knowledgeable enough to tell you correct information. If I want a fact my friends are unreliable, if I want recomendations/opinions for various things my friends are better because they know me.

Google is good because it bypasses my friends' limitations of knowledge, Facebook is redundant because the only things my friend's could tell me I could simply ask in person.

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