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Comment Re:More (Score 1) 150

Who highers the middle managers?
The Executives.
Who hires the Executives?
The Board (more or less)
Who hires the Board?
The Stockholders.

You hurt the Stock holders, they in turn hurt the board, they in turn hurt the executives and they in turn hurt the middle managers.

In order for shit to flow downhill, you have to top load it and technically, the stockholders are the top.

Comment More (Score 4, Insightful) 150

The point of "punitive damages" is to punish the company...duh. But, how do you do that?

Just taking their money isn't enough, especially in the case of these companies. You can take astronomical amounts and it would be a drop in the bucket to them. What is $400 million to a company with billions in cash?

What you need to do is hurt them bad enough to affect their stock price. Then everyone takes notice. Board members have their positions threatened, when that happens, executives are fired, etc. THAT'S punishment.

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