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Comment Re:They are? (Score 3, Informative) 346

34 individuals were indicted due to the special counsel investigation . Many were very close friends and associates of Trump. Many were Russian.
That witch hunt sure did find a lot of witches...witch which were witching around Trump an awful lot of the time. I suppose you can claim he is incompetent for not knowing all this illegal activity was happening all around him, but I don't think that is much better then him being complacent in it.

Comment Re:It's an Antifa symbol (Score 0) 440

I see they do occasionally use it.
One more reason to condemn Antifa.

Out of all the symbols Antifa uses, including all the ones that are used far more commonly, team Trump just happened to pick this one?

If you were making an ad for reelection would you not look into the history of the symbols you were using so prominently in your ad? The messages are approved by Trump and Pence. They do not get a pass for ignorance.

Comment Re:It's an Antifa symbol (Score 5, Insightful) 440

One guy somewhere who made a shirt and uploaded it does not make it an official symbol.
Show me an official Antifa website, or several Antifa members wearing it at a protest (or probably riot because that is what Antifa does, and why they should be not be defended).
Though Antifa is clearly indefensible for their support of violence, they are clearly being scapegoated by POTUS, and play a small role in the BLM protests.
For Trump to use this NAZI symbol, the same one that was forced on the scapegoats the NAZI used to justify their atrocities, is utterly despicable.
But please, keep defending him, it tells us more and more about who you really are.

Comment Re:It's an Antifa symbol (Score 0, Flamebait) 440

It would be abhorrent for Antifa to use it, I never said it was acceptable.
It is also abhorrent for Trump to use it.
But, Antifa doesn't use it as a symbol.
I am not an antifa defender, I disagree with their tactics and actions, but a t-shirt design uploaded by someone somewhere does not make it a symbol for that movement.

An official ad run by POTUS does however make it an official symbol for him. But feel free to keep defending him, we know you will defend your Orange God no matter what heinous acts he commits.

Submission + - Scientists Engineer One Protein To Fight Cancer and Regenerate Neurons (

An anonymous reader writes: Our lungs, bones, blood vessels and other major organs are made up of cells, and one way our bodies keep us healthy is by using protein messengers known as ligands that bind to receptors on the surfaces of cells to regulate our biological processes. When those messages get garbled, it can make us ill with a host of different diseases. Now a team led by Stanford bioengineer and department chair Jennifer Cochran has tweaked one ligand in slightly different ways to produce two startlingly different results. One set of alterations caused neuronal cells to regenerate, while different tweaks to the same protein inhibited lung tumor growth. The experiments her team described in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences were performed on rat and human cells or in mice that model actual diseases and are still far from being tested in humans. But the results show how scientists are becoming increasingly adept at tinkering with the body's protein-based control mechanisms to help vital organs heal themselves.

Submission + - Researchers Control Monkeys' Decisions With Bursts of Ultrasonic Waves (

AmiMoJo writes: High-frequency sound waves aimed at specific brain regions can influence monkey behavior, according to a new study. The finding complicates our conceptions of free will, but this research could yield new insights into the brain and new treatments for disorders such as addiction.

New research published today in Science Advances suggests pulses of ultrasonic waves can be used to partially control decision-making in rhesus macaque monkeys. Specifically, the ultrasound treatments were shown to influence their decision to look either left or right at a target presented on a screen, despite prior training to prefer one target over the other.

Ask Slashdot: Does tinfoil provide adequate protection against ultrasonic mind-rays?

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