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Comment Re:Google (Score 4, Insightful) 527

You mean when Microsoft rolled over and handed out private information when the Feds came knocking....

Google's CEO was point out that simple fact that when the government wants information, NO ONE is going to deny them. So your best course of action is not to engage in activities that can get you into trouble because businesses are not going to protect you.


Journal Journal: X


Journal Journal: X


Journal Journal: X


Journal Journal: X


Comment Re:Article is trollbait (Score 1, Troll) 405

I knew when I was composing this question that someone would accuse it of being trolling or flamebait, this is the internet after all and any attempt to compare things on the internet must be trolling, right?

You have been trolled.

Nope. They are the distros I tried. Gentoo for its compiled-from-source nature, Gobo for its new approach on the filesystem, and Arch because it was recommended that I try it. All had their hangups but if I was sticking with Linux I would probably use Arch.

Still trolled by gentoo -O flag weenies, aren't we?

I also like setting compile-time options, applying patches etc. that you can't do with packages.

This is a good choice

Yeah ... but I feel like a change :-)

No, just no, not unless you have a specific reason to. As a desktop? They don't call it Slowaris for nothing, y'know.

Now who's trolling/flambating?

Well, it is Sun, after all. They did write the bloody thing. But don't forget that ZFS has its own overhead, so if you don't have a use for it, you're wasting your time and your system resources.

I have plenty of use for ZFS, it was one the main factors in narrowing my choice down to FreeBSD and OSOL.

Why? Not unless you have a specific reason to. You're already running a stable operating system that works on your hardware. Have you looked to see if the drivers you want are available? If it supports your hardware, go for it. If not, why put yourself through hell?

I have both OSOL and FreeBSD installed already. But there's only one of me so I can't use both. So I wanted to see what the general opinion about those two was.

Doesn't make any difference, bro, unless you are trying to start a flamewar. It either does what you want or it's crap.

No it doesn't, I was merely mentioning some differences.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 290

You joke, however, contrary to what you read on here, the print media industry is thriving. A lot of people prefer the newspaper format and brick-and-mortar companies prefer brick-and-mortar advertising (think supermarket chains et al., they have no reason to advertise on the internet) so they shell out thousands in advertising. As a geek working in the industry, I wish Rupert would throw himself under a bus as he's giving us a bad name.
Sun Microsystems

Submission + - OpenSolaris or FreeBSD?

Norsefire writes: I am in quite a predicament. I decided a while back to branch out and use a new operating system (currently running Debian), after a bit of searching (trying Gentoo, Gobo and Arch along the way) I decided to use something that isn't Linux. Long story, short: I narrowed the choice down to OpenSolaris and FreeBSD but now I'm stuck. OpenSolaris is commercially backed by Sun, has nice enterprisey tools in the default install and best of all, a mature implementation of ZFS. FreeBSD is backed by a foundation, has a minimal default install and a rather new (but recently improved in the 8.0 release) implementation of ZFS, however it offers the Ports Collection (I quite like the performance boost from compiling from source, no matter how small it might be) and a bigger community than OpenSolaris. That is just a very minimal mention of the differences, I would be interested to see what the Slashdot community thinks of these two operating systems.

Comment Torvalds ... peaceful? (Score 1) 541

"Your job is being a professor and researcher: That's one hell of a good excuse for some of the brain-damages of Minix."
"An infinite number of monkeys typing into GNU emacs would never make a good program."
"Your problem has nothing to do with git, and everything to do with emacs. And then you have the _gall_ to talk about "unix design" and not gumming programs together, when you yourself use the most gummed-up piece of absolute sh*t there is!"
"When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at you blankly and say 'Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*'."
"My personal opinion of Mach is not very high. Frankly, it's a piece of crap. It contains all the design mistakes you can make, and even managed to make up a few of its own."
"In short: just say NO TO DRUGS, and maybe you won't end up like the Hurd people."
"Personally, I'm _not_ interested in making device drivers look like user-level. They aren't, they shouldn't be, and microkernels are just stupid."

And I didn't even get that far down the page.

Then again, if it was between him and de Raadt ...

Submission + - Early adopters "bloodied" by Ubuntu's Karmic Koala 3

Norsefire writes: The Register reports that early adopters are having a tough time with Karmic Koala, Ubuntu's latest release. 'Ubuntu 9.10 is causing outrage and frustration, with early adopters wishing they'd stuck with previous versions of the Linux distro. Blank and flickering screens, failure to recognize hard drives, defaulting to the old 2.6.28 Linux kernel, and failure to get encryption running are taking their toll, as early adopters turn to the web for answers and log fresh bug reports in Ubuntu forums.'

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The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money. - Ed Bluestone
