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Comment Another rsync like option (Score 2, Informative) 305

Unison from UPenn

Works on all the platforms you mentioned... It can synchronize 2 disparate directory trees (you made updates to files A, B, C on one system and D, E, F on another system and want to merge them) and when it can't figure out what to do it asks you.

Comment fat32 and tarballs or loopback ext3 (Score 1) 569

fat32 works well enough for storing tarballs should I need to go Linux->Linux with permissions and all that. Most of the time though the UID/GID clashing isn't worth going so far as a tarball unless I need permissions preserved. I rarely transfer mixed permissions files, it's usually some form of document or media so again... fat32.

I'd use a loopback ext3 if I really needed to not use tar for some weird reason.

Comment Was it Linux that did them in?!? (Score 1) 835

So because investment banks have a craptacular business plan and fail miserably after they saturate the market with impossible financial instruments their use of Linux to get the job done isn't a recommendation?

Linux didn't screw up their business, their business plan (which probably never mentioned Linux) is what screwed them.

Comment At that age? (mine are 5.5 and 3.25) (Score 2, Interesting) 799

Bill Nye, my kids have the theme song memorized.

Sid the Science Kid. Not bad really, drives the whole "it's not magic, figure it out!" thing.

And just to throw in some non-TV things:

Lego for the fine motor skills and figuring out how to make something cool

Find a sport your kid is into. I can't stand baseball and I like soccer (playing at least), I don't know if it's genetic or what, but my son is much the same. Sports are cool because of things like gravity and all his friends.

Comment Can someone calculate that for me? (Score 5, Informative) 258

What is .027% of 2**128

Here's a neat (and understandable) place to find out just how stupid it is to say that "only X%" if IPv6 is assigned:

IPv6 is HUGE. I didn't even understand how huge until I found out I can get an address for every friggin cell in my body.


Role Playing (Games)

Age of Conan Dev Talks Problems, Future Plans 83

Jørgen Tharaldsen, Funcom's product director, recently spoke about some of the problems with Age of Conan and how they are planning to make the game better. "I think it's okay to say that we simply didn't deliver as good as we should have on all the launch features." He goes on to talk about how they're working on improvements to the PvP system, tradeskills, and class balance. Tharaldsen also spoke with Strategy Informer about the development of the Xbox 360 version of the game, which he said was "not our key priority as there are a massive amount of PC gamers already playing the game, and we rightly have the focus on them."

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