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Comment Re:Summary (Score 1) 345

According to TFA his list is opt-in only, so unless he's lying about that he doesn't appear to be a spammer.

Except that if even a few people viewing the email click on the "THIS IS SPAM" button in their email client/website, you're going on their shitlist regardless of whether people opted in or not. People tend to easily forget what they signed up for, and in some cases even if they remember, hitting the spam button is way easier than figuring out how to unsubscribe, even if the email has a link to do that.

Comment Re:Platform == racketeering (Score 1) 724

Top 25 are big business and don't care at all about Apple's cost structure

Really? How did you infer that? Ask them if they would be okay with Apple raising their commission to 40 or 50% and see how they will react?

And ask them if they would be okay with Apple taking only 10 or 20%.

How many small devs are making a living on iOS vs Android? Ask them why they chose each platform.

Also ask them the same questions as above, if they're okay with Apple's cut being 10%, 20% or 40%, 50%.

Comment Re:We are the 30% (Score 1) 724

Are you seriously claiming that if Apple were in Microsoft's position things would've been better? Imagine no OEMs, no Dell, no Lenono, no HP and having to buy only from Apple and paying both a huge hardware and a software tax. Imagine paying Apple 30% tax for every PC app ever sold, if it were ever allowed to be sold by Apple ie. Remember how they say on Google Voice for a year before rejecting it?. If anything, Apple's lockdown is far far worse than even MS could've dreamed of. Remember how they killed off Psystar and how litigious they are?

Apple's already stopped shipping any GPLv3 apps.

Just because Apple is able to keep their version of Halloween documents from the prying eyes of the public doesn't mean that they don't actively seek to do the same thing or worse, and it seems to be pretty naive to think otherwise if you go by their actions.

Comment Re:We are the 30% (Score 1) 724

Here we go again, Slashdot posters lining up to bash Microsoft via sarcastic attempts to be funny while Apple steals developer freedoms, and then they wonder about how Apple was able to put digital handcuffs on everyone in a different story.

Thanks for the typical Slashdot karmawhoring circlejerking useless post to enhance the groupthink.

Comment Re:Platform == racketeering (Score 1) 724

First, calling on Apple to lessen restrictions on the business model of ebook stores etc. is completely orthogonal to the numbers you cited.
Your's a non sequitir argument. How much money has been made by developers on the PC over the same time period of 5 years? Must be tens of billions. Most of the money you quote is paid to a few big developers.


Canalys research group estimates that half of all App store revenue from Apple and Google goes to just 25 developers. Pandora is the only non-game developer in the top 25.

There are over 700,000 apps available for Apple platforms and almost 200,000 publishers per Apps that charge on average generate $1.65 for a non-game app and $0.91 for a gaming app.

So paying a bit more to the small guys is not going to kill Apple or the platform.

Comment Re:We are the 30% (Score -1, Troll) 724

As far as developer freedom and Apple most of the people who complain most bitterly about Apple's policies on /. aren't Apple developers. They are quite often wrong on the facts, and misleading. You can't "take on" a product you don't use. The discussion among Apple developers are on issues like upgrade pricing and customer communication..

What? So Apple tried to remove the in-app purchasing restrictions but listened to developers who wanted them back? Or perhaps they dropped their forced 30% tithe to 15% but had to listen to the developer's clamor for how it was too low? And all the hundreds of legit apps that got banned like Readbility etc., Apple wanted to approve them but those developers requested Apple to ban them?

That's some major spin you have going there --> "The discussion among Apple developers are on issues like upgrade pricing and customer communication"


Cry me a fucking river, Apple fanbois/zealots/cultists and shareholders on this forum like yourself, jcr, whisper_jeff and Superkendall. You're just a notch above Scientologists in my book, and use many of the same tactics.

Comment Re:We are the 30% (Score 0) 724

Wrong - it's about the 30% cut. What in-app purchases does office have again?

It's Office 365 subscriptions, can't RTFA because of the RDF fog around you? Or perhaps you're an Apple zealot(maybe one of whisper_jeff, jcr, superkendall) posing as an ignorant AC to derail any criticism of Apple. The less said about the rest of your post, the better.

Comment Re:We are the 30% (Score 1) 724

Palladium allowed for data security. It wasn't about restricting applications at all it was about allowing PCs to have trusted computing. That's not something Apple to this day really offers, though they've put in place a lot of it.

It was about the programs too.

The technical idea underlying treacherous computing is that the computer includes a digital encryption and signature device, and the keys are kept secret from you. Proprietary programs will use this device to control which other programs you can run, which documents or data you can access, and what programs you can pass them to. These programs will continually download new authorization rules through the Internet, and impose those rules automatically on your work.

RMS was right as usual, but he was wrong about which company would implement and probably utterly surprised how the tech savvy crowd drooled over Apple's shiny cage and couldn't buy and recommend them fast enough over more open PCs.

Comment Re:With Regard to Microsoft? I Have One Bit of Adv (Score -1, Troll) 724

As opposed to Apple fans like whisper_jeff and jcr who shill for Apple for free? Just read their posts on this story. Wait, you must be an Apple shill too, trying to derail the discussion away from Apple's cutting down of developer freedom and onto the "paid shill" fantasies that Slashdot has. Even the first post troll seems to have got bored and left Slashdot.

Comment Re:We are the 30% (Score 1, Informative) 724

So you mean between the open in-app purchases with own payment processors and only the 20% cut over $25k in revenue for an app, Microsoft's Windows Store for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 is much more open and better financially for developers than either iOS or Android? Say it ain't so! This is sure to explode some Slashdot posters' and moderators' heads!

Comment Re:We are the 30% (Score 0, Redundant) 724

This is why people say Apple is even more restrictive than MS, and it's true. The question is whether the users realize it.

What hope do normal users have if even Slashdot users and moderators misunderstand the issue? See the number of comments made and modded up in this story shifting the blame on Microsoft and calling it a hypocrite? I don't know if it's the Apple fan section doing this, but I've seen many prolific posters(like namely yourself :) who are more concerned about bashing Microsoft rather than promoting dev freedom by taking on Apple, or perhaps it's the Apple fans that derail the discussions(anyone observe a lot of posts modded up funny on Apple stories?).

For example, take UEFI secure boot, where suddenly the couple of Windows RT tablets on the market(that aren't even selling well) are "ARM PCs" and calls for govt. intervention but then no one talks about the iPad which is much much more popular, according to folks here are not "ARM PCs"?! Apple with it's vertically integrated hardware poses a bigger threat(Apple's h/w tax) which is killing the multiple OEMs that sell PCs, but why consider the nuances when you can make kneejerk posts bashing MS on your iPad/Macbook which are instantly modded up?

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