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Submission + - Irate user forks GIMP project; claims GIMP no longer an IMP. ( 3

owenferguson writes: "Academic Matt Skala, most widely known to Slashdot users for his prescient essay "What Colour are your bits?," is heading up a new fork of the popular GIMP open-source project. Like many other forks of popular open-source projects, Skala's NoXCF-GIMP is both awkwardly named and fueled by a righteous rage over radical UI alterations. GitHub for the project, which makes the software file format neutral, is here."

Comment Re:So... (Score 1) 293

"We need 92% minimum coverage for herd immunity and we do not have it."

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics.

The 'herd' consists of everybody, not just the patients.

Your 'herd' only sampled the patients, hence your percentages are not from the entire herd...

We hope that it is likely for an incomplete or unvaccinated person to be more likely to become a patient than a fully vaccinated person...

It only needs to be is 2.4 more likely ((11+8)/8) for the 'herd' to be at 92% based on the statistics mentioned here...

So... If the vaccine is only 58% effective or better (1-(8/(11+8))), then you do have 92% coverage. If the vaccine is less than 58% effective, then it's a terrible vaccine...

Comment Re:Not exactly... (Score 1) 387

Very true, and there also were the HST modems from US Robotics. Expensive but reliable and fast. I wonder if I still have that 9600bps HST modem that I bought used in a closet somewhere. IIRC, the HST modems where there a little before the PEP modems, but the PEP modems were cheaper so got more popular eventually.

And then there were these upload/download protocols, beyond xmodem/ymodem/zmodem, you had 'full duplex' ones that allowed parallel uploading and downloading of files (bimodem

After that you started being able to do some more things off-line (I remember uucp, and QWK , and 'soup'). You could select files for upload and download offline, and let your computer dialup into the bbs during the wee hours of the night. The bbs would have a prepared compressed package ready for you with your emails, group messages, exchange files, etc, and you could hangup immediately after the upload/download, for a much reduced number of minutes on the phone (which mattered a lot if it was not a flat-fee call)... There were special DOS programs to do all that, they could program the BIOS to turn your PC on at the right time at night and turn off when finished.

Not soon after that the Internet took off and many wheels had to be reinvented with new names and protocols.

It would take 'only a couple of days' for an email to reach the other side of the globe. Email addresses were numbers with a colon, slashes, a dot.

Yes kids: Colon, slash and dot. http colon slash and dot.

Comment Re:In practice it's like a different language. (Score 2, Insightful) 305

#warning rant coming

"printf instead of std::cout"

I love c++, but it definitely has some dark spots, even still the long overdue c++0x update (c++11 whatever). Thank deity we finally have standard smart pointers, better templates in various ways, move semantics, etc. It was really necessary to finally have that, even if it was a decade late (I'm sure we lost quite a bunch of good c++ programmers and projects to more newfangled languages in the delay). Even though we often won't be able to use it until all compilers (and developers) in use for a certain codebase are updated, it is a start.

c++ streams... After exceptions the second worst mistake in c++... c++ needs something good for that functionality, but streams and exceptions don't help.

Beware of std::cout, it is not thread-safe and is a gigantic pain in the expletive for outputting formatted text. The utility of overloading the shift operator for interfacing with streams is overrated. std::endl is a curse word. streambuf is an ugly hack.

while std::string is usually an improvement over the plain 'char *', it also is as often overkill as it often is underpowered. Why else would so many people have their own string class? Why would Qt have QString? It's because std::string and fstreams are severely lacking... standard c++ needs more syntactic strength in tokenizing, parsing, formatting, transforming, combining, and type-converting of string content. What is there, in the standard, is, well, imho kludgy. I'm not saying that I have the answer to what exactly it needs, it just needs something better.

c++ still has a lot of catching up to do. Libraries like boost should really only have their sandbox and legacy code left, and libraries like qt shouldn't need to redo/replace basic functionality. It should be possible to get a proof of concept implementation (aka badly optimized but mostly functional and not too many bugs for a demo or trial) working quickly as easy in c++ as it does in certain other languages. Until then, it should work hard to catch up before we lose most programmers to other languages.

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