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Comment Re:We're all fucked (Score 1) 303

all forms of Unix and Unix-like systems have built-in mechanisms that can be used for secure IPC (where the less-trusted component can be verified securely).

Huh. I was looking for a fast IPC mechanism under linux, also OSX, and all I found was TCP/UDP sockets. Secure IPC not required for my application. What did I miss?

Under AmigaDOS, a program would open a named port and that was the basis for some awesome very high speed IPC magic, typically facilitated by intermediate Rexx scripts. I sure miss that capability. Applescript is a raging horror of limitations.

Comment Re:No mysteries solvable within a lifetime (Score 1) 292

The mods deem this insightful?

On slashdot, the vast majority of mods are of the form "agree / disagree." "Insightful" usually means "that's exactly what I think, too." There's very little correlation between up moderation and quality, primarily because moderation is unaccountable, but also because the moderators are selected without regard for skill or ability in the area of, you guessed it, moderation.

Comment Re:Neuroscience/AI? (Score 1) 292

Strong AI is possible, guaranteed. You're one example of it. The word "artificial" is utterly misleading. All it really says is "we know it exists in animals, and we choose to call any other example artificial, even if we're emulating the biological example."

There's nothing magical about the brain or brainops, superstition notwithstanding. It's just physics like everything else. Technology will get there, it's as inevitable as any other technology already invented, only more so, due to the immense potential for advancement on every front.

Presuming, of course, that we don't destroy ourselves before we get there. Sigh.

Comment Things like the LHC? (Score 1) 292

The existence of the LHC, as well as the type of discoveries made due to the LHC, in no way preclude discoveries elsewhere.

And as they would be discoveries, there's no saying if some are, or aren't, going to occur.

Inasmuch as cosmological theory is in complete disarray at this time -- "dark this" and "dark that", no certain knowledge of how the universe started -- added to which the fact that we can't yet see other worlds (but the tech to do that is approachable, given the appropriate industrial base), I think it's more than a bit premature to declare things like the LHC the last bastion of physics discoveries.

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