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Comment Re:MUAHAHAHAHA (Score 2) 240

Why not spend some time reading, then? It's not rocket science, and like it or not, this is how the game works. To remain ignorant to how wealth is generated in this country is to give up. Time and something as simple as dollar cost averaging $10-$20 a week in extremely low risk mutuals could get you a better future life than bitching about "Elitists" and sticking your money in a mattress (or blowing it all on crap every month). The market is comprised of "common people" investing for a better future. The only person stopping you is you. Just my opinion.

Comment Re:Vote left (Score 1) 297

Interesting. I wonder how many "Green Party" folks are still feeling like you do now; Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gitmo, TSA, Homeland Security, Corps are People, Market Dump of '08, Think of the Children, etc. I am really sorry I will probably be long dead when you are 60; I would love to revisit your comment with you then to see how you are feeling about 3rd party shakups.

Comment Re:A sequel after all this time? (Score 1) 326

Well, I based it on the fact that about 20 mins had gone by without an upmod - that's a "Whoosh" IMO. Don't overestimate the average slashdotter - they might have seen the movie, but seems to be only the hardcore folks can recite dialogue from memory. Just sayin' what my experience has been MSTing movies. Jeremy shoulda got 5-Funny in two minutes minutes or so based on other stuff I've seen on Slash over the years. But, just my opinion, it doesn't really matter, just killin' some time between hardware orders.

Comment Re:Out of curiosity... (Score 1) 60

OK, so the fact that I can get a pretty good image of Saturn and a couple of it's moons with my 130mm parabolic short tube from my driveway in a light-soaked neighborhood in a washed out sky means I should actually be pretty damn happy. I'd like to step up to a 10" - 12" OTA but the GEM is stupidly expensive and I have little love for a Dob (imaging is my goal but man, what a budget you have to have...)

Thanks for the pics.

Comment Re:This is disgusting!! (Score 1) 579

He is allowed to purchase any seeds he wants. As I understand it, he chose to buy seeds already "'Roundup' resistant" but not pay the Monsanto price to keep his maintenance costs down and profits up, rather than purchasing non-genetically enhanced seeds which require more maintenance dollars on his part.

Whether or not Monsanto should be doing this is moot; they are following the rules of the game, and fiercely (almost insanely, IMO) going after any infringement at all. They will continue to do this until the rules change.

Unfortunately, getting the rules changed is a very, very tough row to hoe and I do not expect to see it happen in my (or my grand-kid's) lifetime.

This is the world we have made.

Comment Re:The Only Surprising portion of the revelation.. (Score 5, Insightful) 536

First off, this tape is old news, it was released years ago, no idea why it's now getting traction. Secondly, in the conversation (IIRC, it was with Everett Dirkson, but might be wrong, haven't heard it for 6 months or so), Johnson states that he is reluctant to release the tape as he is afraid of how the country will react, given the shitstorm we were already living with, but you can hear that he is really pissed and feeling hamstrung. I was never a fan of either of them, but I think he should have released the tape and fuck the consequences. I suggest you listen to the tape before stating that he was stupid, a coward or hoping to sabotage the peace talks his administration had set in motion. Just my opinion.

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