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Comment Re:Sorry They're Changing (Score 1) 572

Actually, yes. China's government is very protective of ensuring that buyers are getting what they pay for, because the gov't doesn't want to upset the goose that's laying a Fort Knox worth of golden eggs in their country. The Chinese government knows exactly which side its bread is buttered on.

Chinese manufacturer management personnel who've done this sort of thing in the past with food products have been fucking executed, so don't for a minute think that there's no teeth to such an indemnification.

Comment Re:Sorry They're Changing (Score 1) 572

Then you control your own manufacturing. Lots of companies do that very thing. Or they have very strict contracts with their manufacturers to lay the financial burden at their feet if there is parts-swapping happening.

Reputable manufacturers solve this problem every day. It's the cheap-ass folks trying to go on volume versus quality that have the problems.

Comment Re:Sorry They're Changing (Score 2) 572

If that's happening, I sue the bejeezus out of the factory worker. Or I decide "the risk isn't worth it", and control my own manufacturing.

There are solutions to all these problems. They may cost more up-front, but that's -- again -- the market normalizing itself as it weeds out the cancer of fraud.

Comment Re:Counterfeiters not competitors (Score 1) 572

Unless they wish to claim that "0x0403" is entitled for trademark protection, the driver is hardly in a position to distinguish between the two.

They could make an argument that "0x0403" is a reference to the "FTDI" identifier, which is trademarked, and so they are claiming (to hardware and anyone who talks to it directly) that they *are* made by the vendor 0x0403/FTDI. At which point, it's a textbook trademark dilution matter.

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