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Comment Where going about this entire issue all wrong (Score 0) 327

A cyber war is an attack of things trying to leech information from systems illictly, right? Well, we need to change the way we use to combat it. We need to have web routers for personal use that forbid traffic inbound except as reply to outbound packets, by having the routers have a connection log, blocking any connections that do not truely exist. We need a new http server, one that only sends the appropriate files, and don't allow the programs it runs to edit any files except those it has been authorized to edit, we need mail servers to have a hyper-tough encryption, say 2048-bit encryption of some sort. We have the capibility of all this, we just need to utilize. Cyber Insecurity is caused only by carelessness.

Comment Re:No. No one remembers (Score 0) 181


<quote><p>The impact of the Gates' money is immediate, but in the long run a well-funded knowledge base is much more effective at raising the standard of living worldwide. Again, Google upstages Microsoft. Is there anything they can't fail at?</p></quote>

<p>No, Google donating $2 million to Wikipedia doesn't even come close to upstaging the enormous philanthropy of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.</p></quote>

Its a simple case of evil verses evil.
User Journal

Journal Journal: American Retart...d

Is it just me, or is everyone a retard? Obama goes about extremely strongarming the government to do so many things, and yet, he dosn't see the revolution comming to light. When my granmother becomes pres. i am going to laugh.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Annoyances and curiosity:

I am feeling mixed emotions today. For one thing, I have just been informed that my email account has been hacked into. For another, I want to know a few good websites for getting wallpaper, of things like astronomical phenominom, and natural things.


Submission + - Concousness ReDefined (popsci.com)

robinstar1574 writes: "

In a study that challenges the diagnosis of vegetative state, doctors found that the brain of a seemingly unconscious, vegetative man responded to yes-or-no questions in the same fashion as an alert, conscious person. This discovery not only complicates the medical definition of consciousness, but seems to call into question centuries of philosophy dealing with the nature of life and the self.

Amazing. So if I was unconciousness, and my brain was stuck into an MRI machine, I can talk to my family, even though i can't talk, move, or do anything at all."

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One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
