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Comment Horrible Analogy (Score 1) 244

Calling IPv6 broccoli is a horrible analogy. IPv6 is chocolate, vanilla, cake, topped in cheese sauce. The only reason it is not being widely used is that IPv4 is working for the vast majority of people and they are not willing to invest time or money on equipment in switching to IPv6. Hopefully, this will change.

The day my ISP and my home hardware (MacOSX, Roku, iPhone, Android) support IPv6, I am using it.

Comment Re:Doesn't make a whole lot of sense (Score 2) 126

Printing more money dilutes the value of the money, effectively robbing everyone of the value they exchanged either in goods or services/labor for the money they hold. This is why gold prices have rocketed recently. Gold has not gained in value, rather, the dollar used to buy it has lost value.

The Fed engaging in "quantitative easing" (printing/creating more money from thin air) has caused the value of the money to drop dramatically, thus requiring more money to purchase the same value in goods and services/labor. This effectively robs everyone holding that currency of the value of the goods or services/labor they exchanged for that money.

It's theft on a really grand scale with everyone holding US dollars as the victims.

Every time the Fed does another "quantitative easing", your salary/pay is effectively cut.


You Ron Paul'ers types need to pay attention to the inflation charts. Even with "Quantitative Easing", inflation has been holding steady and staying low the last few years. Should have it gone up? By all accounts, yes, but it did not.

Plus, there should always be a little inflation, so asking for none or complaining there is any, shows lack econ understanding.

Comment Re:but... (Score 2, Informative) 233

Contrary to what Mitt Romney thinks, corporations are not people. The whole point of a corporation is to shield the owners (People) from losing everything they own if the company fails. There are benefits to this like not losing your house if your business goes under and negatives, like double taxation (The company pays taxes and then the owners pay taxes on their cut).

The corporation should get investors to help get the company off the ground, but they don't have any liability in doing so. The Corporation assumes all the liability if it fails.

Comment Re:Culmination of a dream (Score 1) 372

Then don't live in a HOA! You don't move into a neighborhood and suddenly the HOA surprises you with HOA rules. When you buy a house, you have to sign a document saying you realize you live in a HOA neighborhood and you will follow the HOA rules.

Honestly, I love living in HOA neighborhoods. My neighbors don't play music all night long, don't hang their laundry out, don't have cows and chickens in the back yard and don't park their cars on the lawn. Some of us don't want to live in the country, since if we wanted to live in the country, we would just go live in the country.

Comment Re:sue the carrier as an accompilce in the theft (Score 1) 269

Although in the USA every boyfriend would be reporting their girlfriends phone "stolen" when she left them and it would be a support nightmare trying to keep it all straight.

No, you would just walk into a store and display the bricked phone and an Photo ID attached to the account and reactivate the phone. Plus, I would assume that you have to clearly show that you own the phone by giving the phone ID and then proving that it is attached to your account by telling them your account number, SS#, home address and all that personal stuff.

However, any person who shares that personal information with a boyfriend is an idiot.

Comment Easy (Score 1) 202

PXE + Kickstart (Ubuntu Equivalent) + CFengine + mrepo + Handfull of simple scripts = Cloned machines environment.

I have this setup at work and new users pick their Red Hat choice (They are given a short list) and kickstart, some scripts and CFengine takes care of the rest. Need to make a changes to 300+ Linux Desktops? Update CFengine and wait until it's hourly run happens and you're done. Need to force certain packages on? Update CFengine and wait until it's hourly run happens and you're done.

Comment Legal? (Score 3, Interesting) 617

Forget the whole GMO debate, but how is it even possible that a multi-billion dollar company can threaten to sue a small farmer and then force them to sell out to them when the farmer cannot mount a proper defense. Couldn't you just create a well funded company that would identify small farms and threaten to sue them for anything, forcing them to sell out to you for lower that fair market prices as a part of a settlement? How does that not fall under some Organized Crime law?

Comment Uh... (Score 1) 1065

Why is anyone concerned with Mark's soon to be personal fortune and the taxes that stem from it?

Let me get this straight, you want me to seriously think of a guy who is about to be worth 28 BILLION dollars, who is going to cash in 5 BILLION dollars of it and then get stuck paying 2 BILLION dollars in taxes? Let me note, 500 MILLION of that goes to California, my beloved home state.

We're not talking thousands or millions of dollars, but BILLIONS of dollars. Mark should just be happy he lives in a country and society that he can take a "stupid little idea" like Facebook and turn it into a 100 BILLION dollar company.

For many many generations, the Zuckerburg's Family will be beyond fantastically wealthy. He should just pay it, not sleaze his way out of paying those taxes and be happy he lives somewhere he could make Facebook.

Comment Re:Convergence probably is the ticket (Score 1) 713

The parent is correct. My postal life can be summed up in:

DMV Notices (2 a year)
Parking Tickets (about 1 a year)
Wedding Invitation (1 every 2 years)
Credit Card reissue (They manage to get stolen from some place every year)
Burning Man tickets (Once a year)
Burning Man paper notices (Twice a year)
Opera tickets (about 3 a year)

My IRA/Retirement people KEEP SENDING ME notices, even though I request they don't. Other than the above, they could do away with the postal system and I would not really notice. Everything can be done in email.

The wife handles Christmas/Birthday cards.

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