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Comment Linux does what windows does... (Score 1) 791

but linux is still comparatively hard to use, full stop. Many computer users have never even installed an operating system, never mind trying to get their home scanner folder shared across their house using samba. Also, Ubuntu is ugly, a minger, a dog, beaten down. That has to change too. As to the specific post, linux is better with competition methinks. The lack of competition is precisely why Microsoft get away with being so trousers at everything.

Submission + -

Randy Savage writes: Venture capital is on hold... advertising revenue down... WSJ discusses where online business models might go. Over the past decade, we have built a country-sized economy online where the default price is zero — nothing, nada, zip. Digital goods — from music and video to Wikipedia — can be produced and distributed at virtually no marginal cost, and so, by the laws of economics, price has gone the same way, to $0.00. For the Google Generation, the Internet is the land of the free.

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