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Comment Re:Tracking of work? Nothing new (Score 1) 619

Uhmm... Using a stolen SSN to get a job... Wouldn't that mean the social security benefits aquired over the years in that job would be credited to the original owner of that number?

The problem is that illegal immigrants are using this - and they are not supposed to be here. Criminals use this to avoid being tracked...I am sure we would like to continue to track pedo's...or escaped criminals. What if the person who is using this for work decides to then take grandma's SS benefits? Or take a loan out on her name and default on the loan now ruining grandmas credit? What if you are working, and someone else is working on your social....now your income tax bracket went up. If the person didn't pay any taxes on the money they made...guess who has to pay it...yup you do.

I'll prefer to keep my social private and I'll earn my own retirement benefits.

Comment Re:Tie this in to drivers license, and passport (Score 1) 619

hey why not add thier bank account data, IRS payment status, medical history, criminal record, fbi and other three letter agency file indices... I'm sure you could think of even more things that would make your life and the governements easier. Don't worry, next week the Senate takes up the 'lets wipe everyone's ass for them' bill.

The gov't tracks you prett well actually. You think the gov't doesn't know your employment status, criminal record, fbi record, IRS payment status, bank account data, credit card bill, mortgage bill, car payment, phone bill, electricity usage, etc? You really honestly believe they don't already have this information on you tracking down to when you got your last parking ticket, or used EZ-pass the last time or went to an ATM machine in 2001? If you really think that then you are 110% naive.

All this bill is saying 1) Put some kind of biometric (whichi includes a picture) on your social security ID, 2) require employers to check this. Good, I have always wanted a picture on my social...that way I can worry less about it getting stolen. If they happen to put my drivers license information (probably a checkbox saying "he can drive a car"), put my passport information (probably a checkbox saying "he can leave the country") then I am all for it.

The information itself is not stored on the card (maybe my name/birthday), but an ID number on the card is linked to a database which *ALREADY* has the information.

So Lawrence, please stop with the scare tactics. The gov't knows this information about us...and as far as where you are concerned...don't worry as long as you pay your taxes the gov't couldn't care less about you.

Comment Re:Tracking of work? Nothing new (Score 1) 619

Of course it's more than that. When you get a job you're already required to provide identification both of your eligibility to work and your identity (A photo ID in combination with SSN/birth certificate or a passport).

This may have some kind of verification to make sure the ID was properly checked. Many places only check your social security card...that has no form of actual identification. Are you sure it's the law you have to show a photo id currently? Birth certificate is absolutely not required. Each city, & state and employer is different. Two jobs ago I had to provide a photo copy of my naturalization certificate (though the second HR person said I had to bring it in to show it to her, because a photo copy from her predecessor wasn't proof enough...which shows inconsistencies). This was in addition to my license and social security card. My last job? Social security card and license. I am pretty sure the license was more for the employer then for the gov't (i would have to do some driving so needed a license). My current job - they just needed to check to see who i am and run a background check (not gov't required, just a company process).

THe point is - there are tons of inconsistencies, and through all of my employers (large and small, in NJ, PA, DE, and various cities/counties in those areas) they have all been different. I used to work in retail banking while in college and they had to get me bonded (all bank employees must do this)....i only had to provide social and drivers license.

Why they don't require some kind of photo on a soc card is beyond me...it would help reduce ID theft...and your social card is one of the most difficult ID types for you to get changed, and it is so integral in your life (credit, social security benefits, and more)

Comment Tracking of work? Nothing new (Score 0, Troll) 619

The biggest objections to the biometric cards may come from privacy advocates, who fear they would become de facto national ID cards that enable the government to track citizens.

Tracking citizens of what, their work? We already do that. Before you can get a job (legally anyhow) you need to provide your social security number. The problem with this - your card has no biometrics (pictures, fingerprints, etc) - so you can steal someones social security card and then use that to gain work...which is not what we want. It's actually a huge issue and there have been many cases where illegal immigrants use stolen social security numbers from dead people (or living people who had their id's compromised). This will help curtail that identity theft.

This is nothing more then putting a "picture" on your social security card.

Comment Re:Not with Obama (Score 3, Insightful) 619

I find this hard to believe. Obama already gets enough grief about

Obama's not in the senate. He hasn't been in the senate since he became president. This proposal is in the senate. Stop obama bashing.

Just because Schumer is meeting with Obama does not mean Obama is responsible for this idea. According ot the article, a source in the white house said they have no official stance.

Personally, this is the first time I have seen the democrats sell something properly. They are targetting this towards everyone, but their language is focusing on immigrants. Republicans are against national IDs, but they are more likely to be for it when we start throwing out the words "immigrants"

Comment Tie this in to drivers license, and passport (Score 1) 619

Make it so this card also has my drivers license, and passport (I assume it already has my social security since it's for work) and I am all for it. I am tired of having to to worry which ID i need to have on me. Drivers license (all the time), then passport when I fly (god help me if I forget this one), and now this?

Gov't - stop making life cumbersome. With technology we can get everything we want, on a drivers license sized ID card. It shouldn't be that hard.

Oh - and don't forget the most important thing...the persons picture.

Comment Re:Mind reading (Score 4, Funny) 145

usually really great entertainment in sleep

Yea that horror nightmare that I had was really great entertainment. Peeing my bed just made it all the more fun.

Besides, i can see my fiancee sticking this on my head to see what I am dreaming about...and then getting yelled at because she's not the women in my dreams.

Comment Re:Fahrenheit vs Celsius (Score 1) 676

I'm in an area of the world that uses metric (read: proper) measurements and I can assure you

Hm....Imperial is a proper form of measuring temperature. Just because others do not use it does not make it so. Otherwise "I'm in an area of the world that uses American English (read: proper) language and I can assure you..."

If you want to be snooty and talk about scientific measurements then you better start talking in Kelvin.

Comment Best Temperature (Score 1) 676

Years ago I would fight with my coworkers for temperature control. The females would complain it was too cold, the males too hot (it really was down the sex line). I would tell the women "hey put on a sweater, unfortunately I HAVE to wear a shirt, tie, and pants...i don't have an option for shorts, caprii's, skirts, or whatever else women get to wear...and i don't have an option for shirt sleaved shirts...you do...you also have the option to put on a sweater"

it got pretty vicious so I went to OCEAA and found their standards is (drum-roll) 69 degrees. They have it set slightly on the colder side to prevent people from dozing off at their desk.

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