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Comment Something's not right (Score 1) 136

Larrabee has a dedicated z-buffer module, there was no place for bringing it up in the article...Plus, much research has already been done in this are which the article didn't cover. Here's an example: Toward a Multicore Architecture for Real-time Ray-tracing -- this architecture benefits from secondary rays by equipping each tile with a shared L2 cache and exploiting locality
Also, 20% increase isn't much....really. With software simulators of new architecture, something between 10-20% increase in speed is within the margin of error.

Comment Nothing new (Score 1) 417

America is the land of opportunity and innovation in science and business. All Office Depot has done is work out an innovative way to generate extra profit for their company. I'm sure they consulted their legal department to find out if federal and state laws allow this innovative method of training salesman to follow a sales flowchart.

There ought to be a patent on this technique! Infact, the only hurdle is used-car salesmen who might sue claiming prior art (but thats a minor inconvenience)

Comment Re:Sixth Sense (Score 1) 187

Who would have thought that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalker's father?

Or that R is killed by Dr. Manhattan and there is no squid?

Well, Rorschach is really killed by Dr. Manhattan, I'm not trolling! Look it up, in the comic book published 20 years ago.

Comment Re:Not a bug (Score 1) 830

Talk about doublespeak! Not a bug vs. It's a consequence of not writing software properly. reminds me of that FG episode where Stewie says, "it's not that I want to kill Lois... it's that I don't... want... her... to... live... anymore."

I think you're confusing lies with mistakes/misunderstandings. Bugs are usually unknown...unintentional. Writing code improperly is an intentional act, possibly with unknown consequences. Windows Vista isn't a "Bug" (although I expect some /. smartass to assert that it is...), Vista is simply badly designed.

Comment Re:Justice (Score 1) 181

welcome our new Russian overlords.

Haven't these guys pwn'd the internet several times through a flood of news every now and then when someone somewhere was "evacuated" by ingenious means? They have the power to dominate news outlets at will, all they do is find a clever cold-blooded way to set off the process, and then it enters your psyche.

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