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Comment Re:California lol (Score 1) 545

It is my understanding that herd immunity is something that occurs over time naturally through generational multiplication, a Darwinian-style removal of the organisms less suitable to survive and that evolving state provides an incubator for the adapted immune systems to become more potent. Using vaccines on immune systems that actually need them, then treating them or thinking of them as naturally immune in this whole stew sounds like a recipe for a weaker herd even if the vaccinated individual is better off in the short term, if even that. An "artificial herd immunity" comes about without the vital step of, you know, having actual immunity as a metaphorical whetstone for the whole to sharpen itself against. If I'm understanding this right, that's a disaster waiting to happen.

Comment Re:Common Core (Score 1) 284

Indeed, this is like a modern day Rockefeller/Dewey socialist indoctrination agenda to homogenize worker bees on the playground while only allowing just enough actual individual education as possible so as to arouse the notice of those who might question the motives. If anyone thinks this sounds too tinfoil hatty...look into the background and ideology of these two pathetic social tyrants, especially John Dewey.

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