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Comment Re:maaaan (Score 3, Interesting) 382

To play Devil's Advocate, though, wouldn't that mean that it would be 'easier' to impersonate him, in terms of a username?...If someone was inclined to impersonate him, the fact that he uses the same handle makes it easier to do so.

So, this person who was impersonating him had the forethought to create a reddit posting history for him before the Clinton server was even widely known?

Comment Re:Reddit to the rescue (Score 1) 382

FBI never once considered looking for emails from people Hillary frequently sent emails to, to verify no work related emails were deleted. FBI from the beginning decided to not recommend indictment

They apparently did not get a single subpoena, and perhaps did not even request a grand jury, which would have been necessary to get subpoenas.

Comment Re:Unclear (Score 2) 382

How is it unclear? IP logs are a smoking gun.

You've been downvoted because slashdot users are too smart to believe that, and indeed you're probably being sarcastic, but IP logs are indeed a smoking gun. By themselves they leave reasonable doubt, but combined with other evidence they are convincing.

To believe he didn't do it, you'd have to believe that there's reasonable doubt someone else, who used a distinctive name that is the same as one he's used, used his IP address to request information that is relevant to his profession and job, on the day after a congressional order dealing with the subject of the requested information.

Any part of that leaves wiggle room, but together...smoking gun.

Comment AP has been caught lying (Score 4, Informative) 306

Here is a story AP published that turned out to be fiction. It originated with Jon Ralston and was quickly picked up by AP and then other major media outlets. No corroboration ever materialized for the story, despite there being 3000 cameras in the room, and those that streamed live told a different story. The only media outlet to retract the story was NPR, and PBS fired Ralston.

Note also that this is the story that the DNC leadership instructed its members to pass around "without attribution", i.e. covertly smear Sanders with it. It's also the email that Assange has singled out as the most damming.

And also remember that much of the brouhaha over the leaked DNC emails was over collusion with the media.

In short, if you aren't yet skeptical of mainstream media this year, you need to start paying closer attention.

Comment The codes she violated (Score 1) 742

none of it was per se illegal

Copy-pasted from here:

Title 18 of the U.S. Code of the Espionage Act in sections 793, 798 and 1001

Section 793 applies to anyone who has been “entrusted” with information relating to the national defense. The law applies to a federal official who “through gross negligence permits” information “to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, to be lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed.”

Section 798 applies to any government official who “knowingly and willfully communicates” information “to an unauthorized person.” Section 1001 addresses giving “false statements.”

Clinton and her aides also could be charged under section 1924, which is a misdemeanor. This was the April, 2015, charge former CIA Director David Petraeus negotiated with prosecutors for sharing classified information with a mistress who also served as his biographer.

Comment Re:Indict? (Score 1) 742

Espionage act. Negligent disregard for securing state secrets is a federal crime. Obstruction of justice. Destroying protected information. Destroying evidence. That much is certain. Less certain is public corruption, also a federal crime. Taking money for delivering favors through your government position. It's obvious that she's done it, but it's unknown if her emails contain proof, though lesser figures have been jailed on patterns alone, and her patterns have many more data points.

Comment Re:Evidence? (Score 1) 742

Everything's a rightwing claptrap when you're hearing what you don't want to hear. I've been accused of using rightwing propaganda for siting the State Department Inspector General report. You know, the rightwing Obama administration State Department for which she was Secretary of State? Damned rightwing claptrap.

Comment Re:How ironic (Score 1) 477

This is who is voting for her:

Why 85% of Black Female Voters Support Hillary Clinton (And Its Not for the Reasons You Think)

I had not taken the time to parse my fealty and that of my friends to Hillary, until a few weeks ago. Sitting in the swivel chair at a friend’s beauty salon, I followed the election news coverage on a small television screen atop the counter. Suddenly, my beautician friend leaned over me and asked: “Do you know why ‘they’ hate Hillary so much.” I shook my head, more out of curiosity than an inability to supply a host of reasons recycled from media reports. “She’s a ‘n*gger-lover’” my friend said with a loving vehemence that took me aback. And within that instant, it all fell into place. By “all”, I mean, the feelings of intimacy that I too felt for this rich, white woman.

Her beautician tells her that Sanders and his supporters hate Hillary because she's a "n*gger lover", and she suddenly realizes why she loves Hillary.

Apparently, Hillary's attempt to erase Sanders' civil rights record has succeeded with her supporters.

How Clinton Media Machine Blocked Sanders Civil Rights Play

I've been wondering how Clinton, of "bring them to heel" and "super predators" fame, had managed to get most of the black vote, and I now see it's through disinformation.

Comment Re:"No criminal wrongdoing" (Score 1) 477

The Clinton News Network is full of shit. The Inspector General report lists violations in State Department policy that directly correspond to violations of law, so there is already evidence of "criminal wrongdoing". If they have the will, they can charge her with violations of the espionage act, and probably others.

And if reports are true that they've recovered most of her deleted emails, there will probably be evidence of public corruption regarding the Clinton Foundation.

Comment Re:Web developers (Score 1) 108

Doesn't matter what the boss knows. If he's been asked to deliver a system that does ___, and you take advantage of his not understanding what you do so you can take the opportunity to learn four new frameworks that aren't helpful for ___, and deliver a bloated piece of crap in twelve times the amount of time as is necessary, that is going to permanently saddle your employer with supporting technology they didn't need, then you're doing it wrong.

Comment Solve someone else's problem (Score 2) 255

If you're looking for a project to demonstrate your ability to do the work for a living, don't write a game. Not that a game won't demonstrate useful coding skills, but the bigger skill you want to demonstrate is that you are able to solve problems. A game is a self-directed problem. You have not demonstrated that you can take someone else's requirements, communicate with them, and solve their problem. You haven't shown that you can work with or for other people.

Unless the game is for someone else, but then it still looks like you have to be entertained to be motivated.

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