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Comment Re:I've said it before (Score 1) 391

While I generally agree, what happens when the only jobs left are those that require creativity or critical thinking. There's a lot of people out there who can't do anything more complicated than repeating a few simple tasks over and over again. These jobs are going to be replace by robots. When the only jobs left are jobs that require high levels of thought, there's going to be a lot of people who simply can't hold down a job. I don't think that changing the way we educate people or making education free or anything else is going to be able to change the fact that some people don't have the cognitive ability to do the high level jobs that robots won't be able to do.

I bet people once asked what would happen when all the remaining jobs required the workers to be literate.

Comment Re:I've said it before (Score 1) 391

Redistributes wealth so that the new unemployed can live and find creative and entertaining ways to spend their lives.

I like this solution. I would quickly become one of the new unemployed.

Ah, but then you would find that you don't have enough money to do much. So perhaps you'd work part-time, so that you had enough money to do more than sit around reading old funny papers. But maybe you'd only work a few hours a week, because you'd find that having pocket money is enough to find happiness if you're freed from having to go through a crushing and repetitive cycle of senselessness to earn money for The Man(tm).

So how much money is enough to survive but not do much?

Comment Re:Quantum mechanics. Wow... (Score 2) 273

From the syllabus

"We will delve into a quantum physics’ understanding of disease and alternative medicine to provide a scientific hypothesis of how these modalities may work. Quantum physics is a branch of physics that understands the interrelationship between matter and energy. This science offers clear explanations as to why homeopathic remedies with seemingly no chemical trace of the original substance are able to resolve chronic diseases, why acupuncture can offer patients enough pain relief to undergo surgery without anesthesia, why meditation alone can, in some instances, reduce the size of cancerous tumors."

... and in chapter 2 we discuss the placebo effect and how correlation does not imply causation.

Comment Re:As a physician... (Score 1) 191

I get pissed off when I have to come into work with a cold. Unfortunately as an engineer I'm usually deep into a project that would take hours or days to switch over to someone else. We also get 3 sick days a year and I'm prone to colds that transition into a cough that lasts more than a week. Not a lot of options if I want to stay employed.

Comment Re:Knowing when not to (Score 1) 345

I want my code to reflect my skills so I can work on bigger and better projects.

Wow, it sounds like your management is competent enough to identify skill levels and promote accordingly!? What's that like?

Well that is more my want. My management is better at dropping the hopeless cases as opposed to identifying the really good people.

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