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Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 280

Or to accept that fact that anyone using real dice anywhere for anything, rolls damaged dice with possibly self re-enforcing damage and lives with it as being an acceptable level of bias in the dice. Heck, I've roleplayed with the same dice for over 20 years, and those dice have seen better days, yet for all of that they're acceptable to me and the people I game with.

Remember, this thing is designed to roll dice for a website who's entire aim is to facilitate the playing of physical board games via email. If it's acceptable to bring and roll your own damaged dice in person, I can't see how damaged dice being rolled by a neutral 3rd party is going to be an issue...

Comment Re:Impact? (Score 1) 316

The problem EVE suffers from though is the player market tends to attract people to the biggest hub in the game. And it doesn't matter how much the player base is spread out overall if a fixed percentage of them goes to that market hub at any given time, as there will be an ever growing number of people using the server that system is running on. If the subscriber base grows too fast the ability of technology to keep up with player numbers will suffer in those centralised locations.

Second life suffers from a variation of this same problem


The Best Games of 2020 136

Gamasutra held a contest this year to describe what hit video games in the year 2020 would be like. Over 150 detailed entries were sent in, and they've posted the top 20. One persistent theme is the ever-present connectedness to the outside world, both in reality-based games and with multiplayer modes that are part of typical daily interactions. Quoting: "It's just an average day at your job. Noon swings around and it's time to amble out of the cubicle farm and venture outside into the city to find some lunch. You put on your slick steel framed Hunters Glasses, place your Hunters earpiece, and with black and white Hunters Gloves on, step out of the building and onto the street. After a block suddenly your dark tinted shades switch to a red tint. A silky female voice echoes in your ear, 'Players within range. Good Hunting.' The glasses are acting as a WiFi enabled computer screen. You swivel your head to scope the scene and find someone standing out within the red crowd as a white outline. The man with the white outline is scouting the area as well, trying to find who else is in the game right now. You get within range, pack a virtual snow ball with your gloves, approach slowly, wind up and throw with all your might the virtual snow ball at the man with the white outline. 'Player Eliminated,' says the female voice, 'Uploading Statistics.'"

New EVE Expansion Nears, Possible Mobile Plans 74

As the EVE Online creators ramp things up for the free Apocrypha expansion due out next week, lead designer Noah Ward sat down with MTV's Multiplayer blog to discuss the future of the game and what characteristics continue to keep players interested. Ward says they've considered branching out to consoles, but ended up deciding that the game doesn't really lend itself to console play. He left the door open to using smartphones for "augmenting" gameplay. Ward also mentioned that upcoming space MMOs Jumpgate: Evolution and Star Trek Online are so different from EVE that they're not really worried about direct competition; EVE thrives in part because of the player-generated drama and scandals, which few games pull off as well. Massively has gathered a variety of details about the Apocrypha expansion, which includes the game's first epic mission arc, and they've also posted some screenshots. CCP Games launched a website for the expansion containing concept art and interviews with some of the developers.

Comment Re:Fox News (Score 1) 207

Say what? The guy said "the overwhelming majority" of people don't play computer games. I was disputing that with some quickly googled figures. Sure, they're for America, not Australia. Sure, they're with fox news (which I don't even get here, so I have no idea what they're like). None of that alters the fact that the figures dispute his off the cuff "overwhelming majority" comment. Even if it's not an identical situation in Australia, those figures suggest that the situation is a lot less clear than he was trying to make it appear

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