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Comment Re:You wouldn't believe how many ebooks I have (Score 3, Interesting) 468

Books have been roughly the same for the last 200 years, since the printing press revolutionized how books were copied. Music, on the other hand, has changed maybe once a decade since audio equipment and the radio were invented and became widespread.

I think that people who read books, a small market to be sure, is made up mostly of people who go to a library to find out if they like something and, if the book is good enough, then go to Amazon or Borders or B&N and buy the book. I know that's what I do, and what a lot of other people do. Yeah yeah, anecdotal evidence, citation needed and all that, but I don't think the ebook reader is going to change the business any more than audio books did.

Comment Re:... lol. (Score 1) 609

I didn't know that. How do you figure that? I'm trying to be a sincere as I can, can you give a link that shows Japan as a protectorate of the United States of America? Or are you speaking figuratively, suggesting that, AS IF THERE WERE SUCH AN INTERNATIONAL LAW, the USA would retaliate very harshly? So, is there such a law? (use of capslock to call attention to the main idea)

Comment Re:My workplace went out of business (Score 1) 688

What did you build at that job that you couldn't take with you when it folded?

Did you learn no new skills? Make no investments with your money? At the very least you didn't make contacts with people related to your business (suppliers, clients, etc...)?

I'm very sorry to hear that you lost your job, and am glad that you managed to find work, but I'm concerned that you really aren't getting anything out of your job except some money that you're working for, rather than putting to work for you.

Comment Re:Salty Tears (Score 1) 688

Seems to me it would encourage you to make more money, so you don't pay such a high percentage of your income to the state.

I've always wanted to see what a regressive income tax would do to poor people. Would they just whine, or actually try to make more money so they pay less. Would it start competitions to pay the least income tax? Probably not, but it sure sounds interesting to me.

Comment Re:Recession? (Score 1) 688

The problem is that value is different from person to person. Market value is a huge fiction, albeit a useful one. Publius Syrius is often quoted as saying "Everything is worth what it's purchaser will pay for it." I can't think of a better time to see this rule of thumb in action than a recession.

Comment Re:Recession? (Score 1) 688

You want to RAISE tariffs? Most people, the vast majority, are employed far more productively now than they would be if they switched over to manufacturing jobs. That's why we let foreigners screw in all the screws.

You'll kill one of the advantages America does have, the advantage that our workforce is really productive BECAUSE we don't spend our time doing busywork, even if it is necessary busy work.

Comment Re:Maybe I am just lucky.... (Score 1) 688

My dad IS an accountant and he pays around thereabouts on income taxes.

Sad thing is, he's horrible with money. He's in some pretty hot water right now because his company couldn't give him a big bonus this year. Not that he's changed any spending habits, mind you. He's still spending away, driving my poor mother crazy trying to explain household finances to him.

Comment Re:This will cost the state revenue. (Score 1) 609

Television sets aren't special. THAT'S why I think they shouldn't be regulated by the government. The amount of power they consume doesn't hurt anyone any less if it is more efficient. What mandate does the government have in your mind that they can regulate anything they want, just because they can?

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