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Comment Re:No, they haven't (Score 0) 224

That is precisely the paradox that the GP is bringing up. The PM is trying to sell apples to an electorate that wants to buy oranges, and is wrapping them up in marketroid rhetoric to keep the people from realizing that he isn't really addressing the actual problem. Par for the course in the rotten world of pre-election politics. If immigration is outlawed, only the outlaws will immigrate. Disclaimer: I am an "imported worker," only not from that part of the world.

Comment Re:evidence is there (Score 0) 308

"12 dead bodies. Plenty of witnesses. His home is full of weapons."

Only 2 out of 3 would be evidence of guilt.

A home full of weapons doesn't count.

Not only did the place have guns inside, it was also booby-trapped. Off the top of my head I can't imagine any reasonable justification for why somebody would rig his apartment so that a person attempting to come in would be blown to pieces, and then go away leaving the door ajar.

Comment Re:SDI's? (Score 0) 615

Actually, that was never a "prime Soviet ambition," except in the minds of the McCarthy-era US propaganda machine.

Do you really think so? Because the way I remember it, back in the 1940's Josef Stalin took advantage of the war to put puppet governments in every single territory that he could get his hands on (i.e., all of Eastern Europe). And before you even start arguing that those were not puppet governments, bear in mind that as soon as those countries were given free rein to decide their own fates, practically all of them ousted their communist regimes in a matter of months.

Comment Constitutional issues (Score 0) 984

In Paraguay (South America), some time ago, cameras were installed to monitor traffic light violations, but shortly afterwards their use for this purpose was declared unconstitutional. The cameras are still there, and are sometimes used to collect evidence of other incidents like street violence and so on, but nobody will ever get billed for crossing a red light because of them.

Comment Re:Here we go. (Score 0) 303

Fuck off, I'll take the horse. I refuse to do business with people who see me as a wallet on legs rather than as a human being, to be treated with DIGNITY and RESPECT. At least with the horse there is that mutual RESPECT.

If you believe anyone who provides a service sees you as ANYTHING other than a wallet with legs, you are wrong. The difference is, some people are afraid that the walking wallet won't come back if they don't give it an illusion of respect, so they treat it like they actually give a damn. But if they get an indication that it will never come back regardless of how well or badly it is treated, then they will lose interest and ignore it.

Comment Re:Call me skeptical (Score 0) 215

This is about embalming, it's not rocket science. Just how technologically advanced do you think the Venezuelans would need to be, to achieve what the Russians and Chinese did several decades ago? Or are you one of those ignorants bigots who think everybody in South America lives in shanty towns, just because that is how they see it on TV and movies?

Comment Re:First strike! (Score 0) 727

Are you certain about that? What if NK intentionally miscalibrated their nuclear devices for a lesser, but spot-on explosive yield. And put their supposedly failed satellite into a spin or 'nonfunctional' state to mislead.their launch and space capabilities.

And as we speak, NK factories churn out MIRVed ballistic missiles in the thousands per day.

(Citation needed)

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