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Comment Re:Tried to Sign Up, Already Frustrated (Score 1) 644

Sites that rule standards characters in or out are driving down security because all of the standards vary. Maybe that is by design, to prevent standard passwords, but the end result for 99% of the population isn't something that is more secure.

In terms of standard passwords, I'd like to introduce you to the ordinary person who can't handle a different password for every site. I can't for sites that I don't regularly visit, like

Comment Re:Tried to Sign Up, Already Frustrated (Score 1) 644

The password requirements state...

"It can't contain your username or any of these characters = ? ( ) ‘ " / \ &"

It just so happens that I use one of those characters in my standard secure password. I've never had a problem with that character before except for one site (which ironically is my bank, and which forces me to use a password that is less secure than my standard password due to its banning special characters.

Seriously, all of these different password standards are a huge cause of security problems.

Comment Tried to Sign Up, Already Frustrated (Score 4, Informative) 644

So I'm in the process of trying to sign up for I'm already having problems, because it won't accept my e-mail address as my username, even though it would appear to fit the criteria.

"The username is case sensitive. Choose a username that is 6-74 characters long and must contain a lowercase or capital letter, a number, or one of these symbols _.@/-"

If they are having problems explaining the most basic things, I'm not hopeful.

The site is also less secure for me because none of my standard, extremely secure, never before had a problem with them passwords will work for it. That will force me to write it down, making the site inherently less secure.

5 Minutes later...

LOL. What an absolute piece of garbage of a web site. I tried to change my username to just the username of my email address and the site says it's invalid. It should be valid based on the instructions, but no joy. If they actually want the username to contain a number, then that's a joke; it's something I've never seen before on ANY website EVER.


When sites come up with new, unusual standards for usernames and passwords (e.g. must contain a %, *, or ^), then they are making the site less secure because they are increasing the odds that people will have to write down their usernames and passwords.

Comment What college did you go to? (Score 3, Interesting) 115

"...successful completion of courses are sometimes held hostage in exchange for mandatory participation in research, as in this case study of a Coursera MOOC. Such behavior is not tolerated in 'real' college courses..."

Signing up for one or more experiments was a requirement of every undergrad psych class I took.

Comment How about improving the Linux user experience? (Score 1) 366

Or the install/distribution model? There are valid reasons why people don't want to mess with Linux. many don't want to get all into the technology. They just want something that works, works well, and works easily.

Look at the Mac. It's UNIX, but people don't know or care. It's about the experience and the value they receive.

Comment Re:Car analogy (Score 5, Insightful) 392

It's like a car company offering a stabilized phonograph in your car, for your ultra-high fidelity analog listening pleasure, and then not being able to make the interface between the phonograph and the stereo work and bailing and having the phonograph input through an FM band transmitter that plays through the radio.

Comment As someone whose book got a one-star review... (Score 1) 248 a result of someone taking out a personal vendetta against me, I can say that the system obviously has flaws.

The Amazon Verified Purchase system is a decent idea and perhaps something that should be taken farther. Maybe not lock the system down to just AVPs, but perhaps change the weighting system.

Comment Does anyone else find it highly improbable... (Score 0) 214

...that all the continents were lumped together into one big continent?

I'm no geologist, but that doesn't seem to pass the sniff test.

I'm not saying that continental drift didn't occur, but I have a hard time believing that everything started out as one giant continent (given the current state of affairs, for one thing).

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