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Comment Re:Why go with anything Steam? (Score 1) 211

Origin do refund games _if you don't like them_. Steam won't refund utterlly broken trash games, except "War Z" which was a disaster. It happened with X:Rebirth very recently: people edit XML savegame to progress through the story. Some others CTD on startup. Steam support won't refund, they say you used the software for 2 hours so they can't and won't, it's alpha quality at best sold 50 USD. Origin would refund, Amazon would refund, Steam tells you to GTFO. I was a rabid Steam fan once, no longer.

Comment Re:Carbon negative my foot (Score 1) 228

Well... let's see. Input:

- CO2 (there's an engine in that that burns CO from dead plant)
- Charcoal = Carbon.

So we input CO2 and it outputs CO2 and coal. Now unless you don't believe in conservation of mass, or that lumps of charcoal can floats in the atmosphere then it means there's less CO2 in the atmosphere as a result of treating the dead plants with this machine.

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