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Comment Re:Tired of scare tactics. (Score 5, Insightful) 358

Lemme see.... A sex offender is anyone convicted of a sex based offense. I was under the impression that going to a hooker is an sex offense in some jurisdictions.

And also... What happened to the idea that once you served your time your debt to society is paid?

Make no mistake I want to keep my kids safe. But isn't this a perfect way of pushing an offender of the track again??

Comment In other news... (Score 1) 4

Ten major film companies, including Disney, Universal, Warner Bros and Colombia Pictures, are suing All major ISP's and demanding that the file sharing site "cease aiding the production of copies" of their films and television shows. The companies also want The Pirate Bay to stop making the recorded material available to the general public.
Next in line are Cable companies and telephone operators. A spokesperson claims that "after that we are targeting Intel and AMD for making the CPU's that makes it possible"

The Courts

Submission + - Film giants close in on Pirate Bay 4

paulraps writes: Ten major film companies, including Disney, Universal, Warner Bros and Colombia Pictures, are suing The Pirate Bay and demanding that the file sharing site "cease aiding the production of copies" of their films and television shows. The companies also want The Pirate Bay to stop making the recorded material available to the general public. The writ comes less than a month after it was announced that the site would be sold for $7.8 million to Global Gaming Factory X, a company specializing in internet café management software.

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