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Comment Problem solving (Score 4, Insightful) 737

Although my main profession is software, I also do circuit design, construction, metalworking, carpentry and most of the other building trades

I find that even though the specifics are different, the fundamental skill is the same..problem solving

Software, circuit design, carpentry or any of the other disciplines seem more similar than different

The steps are the same..clearly identify the problem, look at the tools and materials that are available, then find a solution using what you have to work with

Comment Always is a long time (Score 4, Interesting) 379

Today, the digital world is young and new

The managers are young, the employees are young, the customers are young

Once upon a time, the railroad was the hot new tech, then radio was, then tv..etc

Someday, software will be as mature, professional and boring as ball-bearing engineering

I suspect that ball-bearing engineers suffer no age discrimination

BTW..I am a 60 year old programmer who is turning away work. I work in the totally non-sexy world of embedded systems and industrial equipment

Comment I saw a presentation on Squeak (Score 2) 231

..Alan Kay's educationally oriented programming language

They said...

Most kids who take math don't learn math

Most kids who take French don't learn French

But, kids who grow up in France, have no problem learning French

We want to create "Mathland" where learning math is natural

Comment Sounds like learning a musical instrument (Score 1) 237

Whenever I hear the term "muscle memory" it reminds me of learning to play a musical instrument

That thing looks as baffling and intimidating as a saxophone to a new user

Sure..once you learn it, it might be cool, but how many people have the physical talent and time to learn it

I tried for years to learn piano, practiced a lot, and just never could get it

Comment In the early 90s we all read the hype (Score 2, Interesting) 61

The articles were filled with very optimistic visions of a VR future that was "coming soon"

I worked for Disney Imagineering R&D at the time, so money was available to buy some stuff and play with it

We bought the "state of the art" system, and hooked it was not super impressive

When we showed it to the President of WDI, he said "don't show this to anybody else, it makes us look bad"

Years, and many millions of dollars later, we managed to create our own VR headmount display and opened "Imagineering VR Lab" at Epcot

It was better, but still nowhere near lived up to the hype

Comment We're in the pre-industrial era.. (Score 2) 716

..of software development, and even the best of us aren't very good at it

If there was a foolproof procedure to guarantee bug-free code, and only the lazy or incompetent produced bugs, things would be different

Unfortunately today, a talented, competent developer, using best practices, always produces bugs

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