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Comment Re:no taxes = no protection (Score 1) 324

Problem will quickly solve itself.

No, we can't have that. What would millions of "public servants" do if we run out of problems?

The state thrives by it's own incompetence. Let's take welfare:

Before the state was involved, private charity was taking care of the poor: And poverty actually declined! In the 19th century the society went from "on the edge of starvation"-poverty to "not being able to afford a car"-poverty. Nevertheless the "progressives" decided that the poverty is unbearable and that the state had to solve the problem. After half a century after the "New Deal" and more and more welfare laws the US has been effectively transformed into a welfare-state. And poverty did not decline, it rises! While the free society created a strong middle-class that dominated society in the second half of the 20th century, the welfare-state has created a society dominated by bankers and billionaires.

But the state thrives by it's own failures. And the failure of the welfare-state is just an argument for MORE of it - and so it will go on until the whole thing collapses like the Soviet Union.

Comment Re:Most taxes are legalized theft (Score 1) 324

You'd end up in a shit hole of a society in which things like roads and schools don't work and don't get funded.

Isn't the US the country where the public schools are so bad that people pay twice for schooling (once for public via taxes and the second one for private schools) to give their children a chance for education?

Basically you made the GP's point by mentioning the school-system.

Comment Re:Most taxes are legalized theft (Score 1) 324


But the stupid sheep don't realize it. Lower taxes would bring lower prices AND higher salaries - in effect that what politicians promise every election, but the sheep think that politicians are some kind of magic shamans who generate wealth by touching it. (which is called the "multiplier effect" - some people are actually dumb enough to believe it)

Also the billionaires spend huge amounts of money on "charity" to keep the sheep as dumb as they are. (Think of Bill Gates' "Common Core" or the the George Soros NGOs)

Comment Re:Shortest version (Score 1) 326

The proper word for what RMS advocates is not free. It's public. He wants software to be strictly a public endevour, like a public park, or a public school.

Wrong. I can't change the "public park" according to my private wishes.

If you really want to call some software public, then it must be proprietary software because the government can send people to Microsoft or Apple any time and request them to spy on users, let them hack into computers, etc. - The Windows or iOS ecosystem is in that way just like a public park.

Free software is much more private than that because it is not controlled by a corporation which can be forced to do the government's bidding.

Note, there's nothing wrong with having public parks or schools. I take exception to the idea that we should have *only* public land and public schools.

In fact there is a lot wrong for public schools, and they are one of the things the state should immediately get out of. (and public schools among central banking was one of the planks in the communist manifesto, BTW.) But that is another topic altogether.

Comment Re:The problem of Microsoft (Score 4, Interesting) 337

I doubt there are that many people outside of the stereotypical Slashdot demographic who view Microsoft the way you are describing them. Most people I know of know Microsoft as simply the company who makes the software they are familiar with.

Well, the problem is that Microsoft no longer makes software they are familiar with!

The ribbon-interface for Office was already alienating their users, although in the end it was accepted - but Windows 8 is just one step too far - a LOT of users are fed up. Apple is profiting from that, but also Android and maybe soon Steambox.

Comment Re:Chinese telecom billionaire (Score 1) 322

"my definition"? Huh?

The general definition is a centralized economy, i.e. no private property.

Of course that causes so much starvation and misery that even Stalin did not go "all communist" and just *had* to allow a black private market (and also private gardens).

But the Cambodian communists really believed in communism - and they really realized it - of course the whole thing collapsed after a few years.

Comment Re:think big, plan for future (Score 0) 322

"Spending money" is easy. Building something useful with it not so much.

If you want to build something in the US, you have to pay for the corruption (the Americans have even a catchy well-sounding name for corruption: "Affirmative Action" and they also have a system in place to protect it from criticism - just try to criticize it and you will see the system in action). The US has given over half a billion(!) dollars for the Obamacare Website to an AA-company - and even then the website didn't work. Obviously they are so corrupt that even with half a billion they couldn't pay a million (probably less) for a real company to do the actual work. They had to have it all. That is how inefficient things are in the US.

No way the US could build the Panama canal or go to the Moon today. That capability is long gone. It has truly become the Brazil of the North.

Comment Re:Chinese telecom billionaire (Score 3, Interesting) 322

*every* communist country had enormous differences in wealth between their citicens. Compare the members of the Soviet nomenclature (who had even special shops with Western goods) with the Gulag-slave. (More than 10% of the population were Gulag-inhabitants, so we are talking about a large segment of the population here.)

A little known-fact was that the income differences in East Germany were about the same as in West Germany - but only when you assume that the people had equal rights which of course they hadn't. When you take all the privileges/penalties into account the differences were much greater than anybody in the West can even imagine.

Comment Re:Dinosaurs went obsolete (Score 1) 138

Put a t-Rex into a forest with a pride of hungry lions. How long do you think the Rex would last?

Interesting question, the answer would obviously depend on whether the T-Rex would find enough food. Maybe the T-Rex could hunt elephants? Also new research hints that T-Rex may have been more of a scavanger than a hunter, so maybe T-Rex just follows the lions and chases them away everytime they kill a gazelle? On the other hand, a T-Rex probably weights more than a pack of lions, therefore it would have to snatch away the prey of several lion packs.

So probably you are right and the T-Rex would starve.

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