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Comment Re:EXPLAIN! (Score 2) 110

I don't understand the point of amazon prime anymore. The fast shipping (1-day!) is now "whenever it shows up."

The shows are hot garbage in general with few that I want to see and the ones I do want to see take forever to get seasons (looking at you wheel of time circa Nov '21). When I look at what they have i'm like... who wants to watch this garbage? Their big ticket item citadel is hot garbage and completely unrelatable half way through the pilot, and it doesn't get better after a few episodes. No thanks.

Their catalog of movies and tv seems to shrink each year and every time I look up a show that is on "Amazon Prime" I end up getting an ad for freevee- I refuse to watch ads. Alternatively it's $4 to rent or $20-30+++ to buy a movie... just not interested. If Red Box is $2.25 for a night I can't fathom why digital distribution should cost more than a buck or two. I work in IT, I know the costs of this stuff, it's inconsequential.

For $139 a year I can get more enjoyment by simply subscribing for a month of one platform, then another platform, then another. Binge the movies and shows I want and simply pocket the extra cash by not having a yearly sub for something I find no value for. After all shipping costs are still baked into every single physical product you buy on amazon anyway and all you need to do is add a couple more things to a cart if you really want to order off of amazon.

Comment Re: Quote will be useful in court (Score 2) 33

It's because all the pop up garbage that blocks content on the screen doesn't stop the data from actually being transmitted to the browser when you visit a site. This is why things like 'Reader mode' on many pages display full content despite normal browser mode showing a full page ad which says "PAY A BUCK FOR A DAY THEN $99,999,999/MO FOR 12 MO"

The idea that someone has to pay for reiterating an idea that was stated somewhere on the internet publicly for free is absurd. Google as a business literally does this every single day to fulfill it's original purpose: search results.

Comment Re:Blackouts have become abuse of power (Score 4, Interesting) 166

I think your stance is exactly why nothing gets done in the real world. It's like the devil's advocate of "let's just do a silent protest by leaving a pinned thread"

The reddit api changes are abysmal and greatly impact regular users, not just big data companies wanting more data to train AI/ML models.

If users don't like the way a moderation team does things on a sub they are free to create new subs. This is done ALL the time for all kinds of reasons! That's why we have spinoff subs like truegaming. If they shut down a sub the users who wish to run things differently can just make a new sub and popularize it.

I have actively stopped using reddit because I think Spez is doing this with an iron fist simply to get more money. I think a nonprofit company akin to wikipedia should be the custodian to a resource like reddit, not a for-profit company aiming for IPO who will run it into the ground with more ads in the quest for even more money.

If I were you I would simply create competing subs for the ones you are missing and mention them in similar still open subs to draw attention. No one is stopping you. It doesn't cost any money. You then can have the community you want, unlike the communities the existing mods have grown and maintain free of charge often for years.

Comment America, land of the backwards bullshit for greed. (Score 2) 109

Why don't we go a step further and force all businesses everywhere to advertise all prices inclusive of ALL fees and TAXES!

I'd love to go into a grocery store and see a price of $5 and know that i'm paying $5. If i'm on a road trip and I don't know that a local tax of 20% exists of course i'm going to buy more stuff than I would otherwise know. By having taxes baked into all advertised prices, since they are known and mandatory for all purchases at a location, I can then know exactly what i'm spending.

For full transparency, they can list itemized taxes on receipts still. Knowing that the thing I bought for $5 is really only $3 with $1 state tax and $1 town tax is amazing for pushing for reforms and changing unfair legislation - the people should still know why a price is what it is as marked on the shelf.

Comment Re:Betteridge's law of headlines Applies partialy (Score 1) 214

In terms of company pay scales sometimes HR will make up some bullshit numbers or take them from some bullshit service and count associates as +2 years of professional experience and bachelors as +4 years (masters +6) to determine years of experience for total comp in a role.

Generally though pay is just a function of how desperate a company is, how well connected the hiring manager is, and how well a company negotiates comp. Some pay stupid amounts for little work, some pay peanuts for three jobs. There's little standardization beyond it always being bullshit :)

Comment The lobbyists own the committees (Score 1) 42

I don't know why anyone would expect something else to happen. We just vote in the same kind of people year after year. When we ignore our national and state senators and representatives and just keep voting red or blue to keep the status quo what do people think is going to happen?

Comment This doesn't mean anything yet. (Score 1) 148

In just under two years when the session ends we'll see if this bill isn't killed in the multitudes of ways it can die.

It's an absolute monster of a bill that can and will be modified a hundred ways before it comes to a vote, and even after a vote it can still be modified or killed. Even if it passes the house and the senate there's no guarantee that the implementation will be great or that the governor won't override some sections or veto it or simply fail to sign it after session ends.

Wake me up when something passes. I'm planning on sleeping a real long time on this one.

Comment What's right about a $1200 4080? (Score 1) 33

Nvidia seems to have missed the fact that crypto winter is here and you can't mine Ethereum anymore with a GPU.

If we aren't getting paid from upgrading our graphics cards we aren't going to pay much more for them.

It was one thing to pay $1200 for a scalped 3080 when you were making $10-15 a day from it. You easily recouped the cost in less than six months. This subsidy is gone now though for those who wished to take it and costs for consumers are up across the board. Nvidia doesn't want to believe it I guess.

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