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Submission + - Encrypted messaging app designed by law enforcement used to monitor communicatio (abc.net.au)

iiTool writes: As part of a three-year collaboration between the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), authorities say underworld figures were tricked into communicating via an encrypted app that had been designed by police.

The app, known as AN0M, was used by organised crime gangs around the world to plan executions, mass drug importations and money laundering.

Authorities say they were able to read up to 25 million messages in real-time.

Police said they uncovered 21 murder plots and seized more than 3,000 kilograms of drugs and $45 million in cash and assets seized.

Last night, more than 300 search warrants were carried out across Australia, with simultaneous stings in the US and Europe.

Comment My threshold for AI usefulness (Score 3, Interesting) 180

My personal test is whether the AI assistant has value or not is to compare it to a real-life human assistant. In the sense that that real-life assistant has a memory of past items discussed, can understand pronouns and other placeholder language, and can grok multiple requests in the same query. If I'm being ambiguous, the real life assistant can ask clarifying questions to get at what I really want.

For example, I want to be like:

"Hey Alexa, remember the blonde girl who I had a meeting with on Tuesday Morning? Please schedule a reservation for 7PM tonight at a sushi restaurant near the office in her name for both of us"

as opposed to:

"Please list attendees of 2PM meeting"
(list of names response)
"Tell me Chinese restaurant nearby"
(list of restaurants response)
"Book a table at 7PM for (name from list)"

etc etc.

It's fine to ask me back "you had 3 meetings Tuesday morning, which did you mean?"

(caveat: I haven't used any of these services other than Siri to ask directions while keeping my eyes on the road or maybe to set an alarm. So maybe they are already this good, but I doubt it?)

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