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Comment Re:Perjury (Score 1) 138

I'd say that them claiming any sort of copyright is indeed weird, because it's not really a creative work. IANAL at all, but it seems to me like random emails simply fall well outside the domain of copyright. For the most part, they aren't creative or artistic in any way. The only way they could possibly be copyrightable is if you made the argument that they are "literary" works, but that's a stretch.

Comment Re:Not a new idea (Score 1) 304

Poor intake is the cause for most poor laptop cooling. On my Thinkpad W510 (which is quite poorly designed thermally, it's the same cooling at the T510 but it has to handle a quad core and workstation graphics), lifting up the keyboard a little bit gives a 10-15C drop in temperatures simply due to the fact that the fan will actually have intake.

Comment Re:In other words, ... (Score 1) 307

What I don't get is why they aren't addressing the real problem.

Normally, it can be good to have students of varying skill levels*, because the better students can help the lesser students. However, it seems that we often see stories about "Cheating in CS classes" here, which effectively discourages people from collaborating at all because it gets seen as cheating. Ideally, helping others should be rewarded, so that people who know the content would get their easy credit, while those who want to learn it would be able to do so more easily.

*Some education programs take this way too far. I've heard horror stories about how a high school geometry class had actual geometry students lumped in with special education students. Obviously that doesn't work but some overpaid idiot thought it would be a good idea anyway.

Comment Re:Everyone? (Score 1) 545

But the problem is that over time, as more and more people do it, it becomes more and more of a necessity due to pushing the cost of labor down. If, overnight, everyone switched from 1 working adult households to 2 working adults, after the market had time to adjust, each family would be doing twice the work but not receiving twice the compensation.

Comment Re:Everyone? (Score 0) 545

But then you still run into the issue of each individual worker being paid less.

Really, what people fail to realize in this whole issue of employment/wages is that the issue is on the supply side, not the demand. More and more people are trying to work (e.g. more households with both parents working), which pushes down the price of labor.

Not that there's an easy solution to that (you can't pick people and ban them from working). Most liberal measures like minimum wage and forced overtime pay are in good faith, but don't actually work that well. They don't help the 99%, it just shuffles wealth around within it.

On one hand, I think a basic income would help because then less people at the bottom would be inclined to search for jobs in the first place. On the other hand, it's would just turn a chunk of society into absolute deadweight.

Comment Re:WRONG! (Score 1) 602

Nothing you just said refutes "That hour is worth less to you than $50 otherwise you wouldn't trade." This is stuff people learn in Econ 101. Yes, it's worth more than $50 to the employer, that's where their profit comes from. If they weren't profitable, the employer wouldn't exist in the first place.

Comment Re:ios/android support? (Score 1) 92

I'm assuming that since it only supports a few select browsers, it's using some kind of HTML5 streaming. Flash is total garbage for anything video related so this is an amazing change. It's simply amazing how flash can manage to slow down a system with basically any video card regardless of whether flash's hardware accel is on or off.

Comment Re:Owning stock (Score 1) 203

It's probably a classic case of people not knowing the slightest thing about economics. Unless it's an IPO or something similar, when you buy stock you're just buying it from another investor who wants to sell theirs. The most damage you'll do to the company by selling your stock is lowering their stock price, and it's not clear from TFS if they actually own enough to actually make a noticeable impact (guessing not).

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 327

Speaking of form-over-function, when I was looking for a laptop in 2010 or so, I noticed that Mac laptops weren't available with quad-cores. I wondered why, and figured out that it was because Apple didn't want to make their laptops a little bit thicker so that there would be room for a proper socket (back then, the i7 QMs were only available in socketed form).

Apple tends to focus on things that provide the most tangible improvement to the average user. Namely huge screen resolutions and good SSDs. Apart from that, the notion that Macs have good specs is somewhat of a myth.

Speaking of hot Apple products, Time Capsules had the same problem, where the power supply would fail, probably due to overheating. So now I have mine modified to run off a 4-pin molex so I can power it externally. Not that it's an Apple-specific thing, my thinkpad has awful thermal design too (one fan with terrible intake trying to cool a quad core and a quadro).

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