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Comment Re:Logic Puzzle (Score 1) 611

If you claim "it can just happen" you don't end up in the same with something unexplained, but you basically just made an anti-thesis for everything we know about physics.

As I said, it's a great thinking exercise if nothing else.

But since we can not prove either side correct, it's wrong to claim either side is incorrect. Not only do the theists hate that fact, but atheists do as well.

Careful with that. I'm sure you'll get posters commenting that Krauss and others have "proved" you can get something from nothing. Though their "nothing" is quite different than what most people would consider nothing.

Comment Re:Bah! (Score 1) 242

Yup, and as a consequence, Boeing just lost a 5 billion Dollar Brazillian aircraft order to the Swede SAAB.

Well, that's what the articles say anyway. But if the reality is that they just chose the cheapest, best jet then this still makes for good headlines and pushes harder against the NSA to reform so either way it's good.

Comment Re:New? (Score 1) 264

Exactly, this is not new. Even game designers know about this as it was even highlighted in Batman:Arkham Origins or whatever game. Batman would use some type of audio/sonic based device to pick secure locks and get their codes even though they couldn't be hacked via normal means.

As a trustworthy friend that retired from the FBI also told me, they can find out what's on your hard drive by listening from across the street as well. (I'm assuming they could only get the data you were accessing at the time though)

Comment Re:my library (Score 2) 418

Is not your library if the vendor can take it from you. You didn't buy, just got a limited permission to play it while the real owner is in good mood, and in their own terms.

This is why I don't "buy" videos from online streaming companies like Vudu or Amazon or iTunes. I either rent it for a small amount (usually Redbox these days) or for the select few I buy the disc so I can watch it anytime or media shift it to whatever format/device of the year it needs to be on.

Comment The Running Man (Score 3, Interesting) 504

Sounds like they were taking a que from The Running Man script

[Amber is being introduced to the audience as a special guest 'runner']
Phil Hiton: ...Later, she cheated on College exams. Then she had sexual relations with three, sometimes even four men within a single year. Then came Mad Dog Ben Richards, her *Confederate*, her LOVER!
Amber: That's a lie!
Damon Killian: Let's reunite these two lovebirds!
[audience cheers]
Damon Killian: [Amber is sent down to the game zone]


Comment Hardware? (Score 1) 288

I'd like to see this as an option on hardware. Either have a leveler so if I'm watching a movie I don't have to keep switching the volume to keep from waking the others in the house. An averaged volume so it's all about the same. That or some type of remote headphones like Roku integrated into their remotes.

Typical action movie: normal dialogue, then quiet whispers while hiding behind something (turn it up can't hear), then crash/gunfire/explosion super loud.

Comment Re:The old-fashioned method (Score 3, Interesting) 321

Agreed. Looking through a family picture album from the late 1800's I realized my hundreds of GB's of current family pics will likely die with me. There are a ton of family images and a select few family pics may be copied by progeny but unlike their printed counterparts, there are no names or locations on many (and sometimes dates if the exif gets corrupted or overwritten).

So what good is a bunch of pics or videos of long past events except to the person involved? Digital images today, unless meticulously managed and edited do little good for historical purposes like the photo album of yesterday. Especially if those are locked away in some online archive that may or may not be easily accessed if the owner can keep up with format and company changes over the decades they will have them and descendants know where they are.

Comment Re:Are they the only one ? (Score 1) 276

I've been with Chase for well over a decade. They even invited me in once to change my checking account to one that earned interest. Having said that, their normal checking and savings are fine though they don't like to (but will) setup multiple accounts like other banks do for ease of budgeting. Their managed brokerage accounts don't do very good and they recently cut back on their rewards points with their credit cards.

They fill a role as good as anyone, but not better than anyone else really. I mean, it's a bank. Keep my money for me to use, let me move it around and maybe earn a little interest. I don't have a low enough account to know if their fees for overdraft and such are comparable.

Comment Re:Video output too (Score 1) 408

The spec explicitly includes video output now. I know MHL and the like have become almost de facto standards but this will finalise it. Basically you've got all the advantages of the Lightning connector in a standardised design. I liked Lightning when it came out, but score one for universality.

So just save all that work and imcompatibility with Apple devices and use Lightning? Unless there are improvements in this new design over Lightning, then you are just reinventing the wheel.

There will be patent holders on the new design as well.

Comment Re:This issue was solved years ago (Score 1) 99

Saturn, yep. I bought my first new car from them. Their set $1000 markup on each car (calculated from numerous investigative articles I read) paid for nicer salesmen, follow up after the sale, and general overall customer satisfaction services (they sent me cookies and balloons). It was a refreshing change and part of the reason they were so liked by their customers. Though I must say we have a local Lexus dealership which was pretty close in experience. And I usually will haggle for a hour or two.

Comment Re:News For Nerds (Score 1) 406

Obama comes to mind. His 'accomplishment'? Being not-bush. In 2009, he had only been in office a little more than a year or so.

Not even that. While awarded 8 months into his first term, he was actually nominated 2 weeks after taking office.

Obama was the first U.S. president to receive the award during his first year in office (at eight and a half months, after being nominated less than two weeks in office)

Comment Re:Stop carrying life jackets? (Score 1) 466

Funny you're so confident about that. You should go back and look at the water landings and ask the survivors if they used their flotation seats or life jackets. Life jackets and flotation seats were added, FAA rules making them mandatory, for a reason. While most of the water landings included fatalities, I'm confident the fatality rate would have been higher without the life jackets.

Or they could, maybe only add them to flights that actually go over any large body of water? Which if you look at the flight paths across most continents, most do not.

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