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Comment Re:Well... no. (Score 1) 126

> Apple's security is added

Hmmmm, that's not exactly a selling point I'm afraid. Scanning my Visa card into Apple's cloud just creates another possible point of security breach imho.

You obviously know nothing how Apple's security with it's pay system works. Your card info is never in Apples cloud. Basically without too many details, an encrypted blob is initially passed via them to your bank and another encrypted blob comes back from your bank with your token and device ID. Apple never sees it or could see it. That's the only time its done is in the setup. After that all transactions are made via a one-time token via your phone to the reader along with your fingerprint, never going to Apple. It's not backed up to iCloud.

Comment Re:Why do folks think anyone cares (Score 1) 764

You would never have even heard of this story if it weren't news and weren't of interest to a lot of people.

We wouldn't have heard it *this time*, and frankly, good cause I'm tired of hearing about his sexual preferences making the news. This has been in articles since before he was CEO of Apple. This is not new nor is it news. #slownewsday

Comment Re:Target, KMart, and WalMart (Score 1) 558

This. I noticed when first announced that no major grocery stores are supporting Apple Pay (yet - in store, Target is only for online through their app). Most iPhone users would love to use this, hence your theory is correct. The first grocery or gas station (at pumps-not at register Texaco) to allow Apple Pay will reap a huge first-mover award just due to the novelty of it.

Comment Re:And what of upselling? (Score 1) 720

These days it's often faster to pump the fuel and walk into the building to have a human clerk ring-in the purchase and accept payment. I detest ATMs and pay-at-the-pump machines which all make the process more lengthy then the old manual ways.

What gas pumps are you using? In no station have I ever been at where the pumps are slower than walking in. Besides, for the past 10 years all pumps make you pay before pumping. Slide card, put in zip (usually), want receipt?, occasional ask for car wash, select grade and pump. Literally like 3-5 seconds in every pump I've ever seen.

Comment What do they mean... (Score 1) 256

What is meant by "direct sales". Is it like in NJ where they can have a rep tell you about it but cant discuss price? In order to buy you have to go to and order it yourself? Or do they mean you can't even do the latter and get it delivered to your house or won't give you tags in that state?

Comment Re:Not a good solution (Score 1) 549

Password manager tools are only useful when you are logging in from your own device. What do you do when you need to hop on a friend's computer, or the one at the public library? Or are there cloud based password managers out there (and if so... that just raises further questions).

There are a few such as the popular Lastpass that store passwords in the cloud but encrypted. Many have browser plugins which make filing in forms and storing that info straightforward. That or you could simply look up on your phone while at another PC (numerous mobile password managers). If you lost your phone and that's why you are using a strange computer you could still wipe it remotely and if Apple you could just restore to a new device via icloud. I'm sure Android has numerous password managers that sync with Dropbox as well. (1Password, Lastpass, KeePass, etc)

Comment Re:not quite (Score 1) 320

That is a pretty retarded argument. "It's good because it sells well". That's the same argument you can use for Microsoft and McDonalds and GM.

The fact that people will watch it for free is no good indicator of quality.

I also believe they used the same argument for Two and a half men.

Comment Re:Maybe the aliens are just as religious (Score 1) 534

Of course, the god believed in by the alien (and mused on by Sawyer, who I believe remains an atheist) is an unknowable, silent, watchmaker god who sprung up spontaneously from the quantum vacuum

Then whatever that created thing is isn't a god or God. Something bound by this universe and it's physical laws in no way can be a god let alone God.

Comment Re:Do longevity tests account for crappy power? (Score 1) 602

However, the power at my house is terrible -- lights flicker and dim several times a day, and I completely lose power several times a year. All the computers are on UPSes, but it would be prohibitive to put all the lights on one.

It sounds like you need to call an electrician and get a whole house surge protector installed.

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