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Comment Re:Validates the Higgs mechanism (Score 1) 683


6 quarks
6 leptons
5 bosons --- odd man out -- perhaps the 6th boson is responsible for Dark Energy?

the bosons are force carriers
gloun - strongest, over shortest distance
w+ w- and z -- strong up to 10^-18 m
EM force -- controls everyday life up to the size of large asteroid
Higgs -- gives mass to W/Z and if something is massive enough we call it's effect gravity
??? -- we now current theories of gravity fall apart on cosmic scales --- galaxies rotate to fast, space has an energy factor -- this points to another force ... but how do you test for something that operates on galaxies?? it was hard as heck to find the Higgs.

Comment Re:Everything is an emulator (Score 1) 518

A computer is by definition hardware -- or software. A computer is a machine defined by memory and a language that allows it to follow instructions and execute commands. A computer ceased to be hardware a long time ago, and began being able to fit into the pure software a long time ago. Depends on application of the word. But please understand that when you take a mathematics of computing course in grad school or undergrad you understand that a computer is a machine and a machine can be software.

Comment The better question - and solution (Score 3, Interesting) 497

Everyone is upset NVIDIA doesn't give away all it's secrets. There hard earned property. that they built. Why not go the more open route and create one set of driver standards for video cards. VESA -- everyone knows the standard and its up to the manufacturer to optimize their side and on the consumer side you get what you asked for.

This is actually a battle over special features -- my hardware can do some pretty sweet stuff, but I wanna control how you can access that stuff. the concept from above still applies, but there is no incentive for the hardware designer to devote resources (people and the salaries they have to pay those people) to help you bang out that new framework.

I love open source, but it's built on peoples free time. Companies have to justify how something makes them money. Saying this will build product sales in a 10% market share is not enough. So come halfway and get the framework done and they will optimize their side. This is the best of both world I get a product and they stay behind their doors, but it's a blackbox I can use.

Comment Re:hawking's been hacked. (Score 1) 93

Well then you should see Hawking in Intel's promotional video's --- he is making a lot of money promoting Intel lately. At the end of one video he state that Intel has always powered his wheelchair -- the video is quite gimmicky but it's Hawking so... I have no problem believing he has sold his soul to Intel, They are probably paying for his flight into space.


Submission + - on Google Safe Browsing Diagram (

rraylion writes: After my computer at work went down — kaput — it was replaced by a Windows 7 box. IT gave me admin rights on the box }:-D Well I take that seriously, its a privilege and a headache. I realized that through my own action or inaction I could make our network more vulnerable. So after consulting with IT and making sure I was locked down as secure as everything they would normally deploy, I began thinking about the sites I visit on a regular basis and if they had mal ware issues associated with them.

I quickly found

and then adding the site you can see what google thinks about the site — well I wonder if Google knows how they fair by their own diagnostic systems.

Comment Re:How could he have been stopped? (Score 1) 358

We know they had chemical weapons because we sold them to Iraq from the late seventies to the mid eighties... this wasn't a question of might and maybe -- but we knew they had chemical weapons because we gave them to Saddam. Hell Detroit gave Saddam the key to the city in 1979. He was a hero in the late seventies --- that all changed and we knew he still had some pretty good bombs --- now we were TOTALLY WRONG about having nukes.

Comment Re:That's my big issue with them (Score 1) 1799

impose a transaction tax (eg 0.01%) on every trade of any kind performed on the stock markets

that is done already -- through capitol gains tax , transactions fees, commision, and SEC fees

capitol gains is what 15% on any gain but not on losses, cause come on how can you tax loss of money?

transaction fees, a per trade fee that is imposed by banks for processing the transaction

commissions, a per trade fee either in cents per share or basis points ( percent of a percent) for executing orders

SEC fee $19 on every million dollars traded in equities for payment to a federal agency that monitors markets to keep them fair to all.

--- what new tax do you desire and who gets that money?

Comment Re:Go for it (Score 1) 1065

You know it kind of defeats the purpose of having a cell phone...

Remember the 80's when somebody went to go pick up a friend and moments later the friend calls the house to say they no longer need a ride.

Remember when there were emergencies and since you were on the road you never knew you should have headed to the hospital.

Remember when while you were in a car no one could reach you with the information about that million dollar client that needs to talk to you because you are the only salesman they trusted...

Sounds like the return of the beeper

Comment Re:Really??? (Score 1, Insightful) 585

Really in what world do you live...??

Linux has been a dominating force in the server world for a while now and the upcoming year more servers are expected to be running*nix then anything else... not to mention the companies tired of paying MS per core... Anyway I normally keep my finger shut ... but Linux is taking the server market.. if you don't agree its because your company just hasn't annoced its going to switch to Linux and the message hasn;t gotten to you yet..

Comment Re:Hmm (Score 1, Interesting) 779

The versions of the Bible are/were made to keep up with changes in language and comprehension. The King James Version while was an edit of the Great Bible also sought to bring the text from 'Old English' to a more modern readable version. If you read the KJV there are many areas that are ripe for interpretation.. but when read in the NIV ( New International Version ) which takes the original context of the words as they would have meant when the KJV was written the passage is often very clear and concise. Aside from these differences which ever you pick is simply a matter of preference. There are copies of the Great Bible, hard to find though, and copies of Wycleff's Translation, the first english version of the Bible. But good luck reading those with any degree of comprehension.

Unlike the Quran which was origanlly written in Arabic, Arabic has not changed as much in the past 1500 years. But the Bible like the Tanakh Hebrew has changed greatly in the past 1000's of years and reading the original ancient hebrew is a task of scholars, rabbis, and historians. If you know Aramaic, Greek, and ancient Hebrew there are copies of the bible out there that you can read to your hearts content.

Reading without comprehension is called staring at a book.

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