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Comment Less power?? (Score 1) 96

Power is governed by change of states per second. It varies by the voltage, but by the square of the current. There's only so much saving from reducing voltage, too, as you run into thermal issues and electron tunnelling errors.

You are much, much better off by saying "bugger that for a lark", exploiting tunnelling to the limit, switching to a lower resistance interconnect, cooling the silicon below 0'C and ramping up clock speeds. And switching to 128-bit logic and implementing BLAS and FFT in silicon.

True, your tablet will now look like a cross between Chernobyl, a fridge-freezer, and the entire of engineering on the NCC-1701D Enterprise, but it will now actually have the power to play those 4K movies without lag, freeze or loss of resolution.

Comment Yes, no, maybe, potato salad (Score 2) 294

Modern programming languages are a fusion of older programming languages, with chunks taken out. Often, it's the useful chunks.

There is no table, that I know of, that lists all the features ("significant" depends on the problem and who cares about solved problems?) versus all the paradigms versus all the languages. (Almost nothing is pure in terms of paradigm, so you need a 3D spreadsheet.)

Without that, you cannot know to what extent the programming language has affected things, although it will have done.

Nor is there anything similar for programming methodology, core skills, operating systems or computer hardware.

Without these tables, all conclusions are idle guesses. There's no data to work with, nothing substantial to base a conclusion on, nothing to derive a hypothesis or experiments from.

However, I can give you my worthless judgement on this matter:

1) Modern methodologies, with the exception of tandem/test first, are crap.
2) Weakly-typed languages are crap.
3) Programmers who can't do maths or basic research (or, indeed, program) are crap.
4) Managers who fire the rest of the staff then hire their girlfriends are... ethically subnormal.
5) Managers who fire hardware engineers for engineering hardware are crap.
6) Managers who sabotage projects that might expose incompetence are normal but still crap.
7) If you can't write it in assembly, you don't understand the problem.
8) An ounce of comprehension has greater value than a tonne of program listing.
9) Never trust an engineer who violates contracts they don't like.

Comment Re: Seriously? (Score 1) 109

Must be nice. I have the same in both eyes, and the lenses would never sit still. Tilt my head for any reason, they would spin to align with gravity, making things worse. If I blinked, they would shift and take a (short, but noticeable) moment to move back. Looking near the extremes of my eyes would shift them (presumably pressure from my eyelids) also making things worse.

Basically they worked great for looking straight ahead with a perfectly level head. Anything else and they would make my vision worse.

Comment Re:Reality not sufficient, (Score 1) 109

Interesting... I'd like to pick your brain as I have astygmatism myself and am considering asking about laser correction.

Did you ever find the degree of... well, vision inaccuracy to fluctuate day to day? Some days one eye is worse off than another, some days all is better than normal. The glasses still help when it's all wierd, but not as much (which tells me the angle is the same but the degree is worse).

I'm afraid that if I get it corrected, the stable state won't be what is corrected for.

Comment Dark matter and dark energy (Score 3, Interesting) 225

These theories have their own problems. As noted on Slashdot previously, neither exist around dwarf globular clusters or in the local region of the Milky Way. It is not altogether impossible that our models of gravity are flawed at supermassive scales at relativistic velocities, that there's corrections needed that would produce the same effect as currently theorized for this new kind of matter and energy.

Remembering that one should never multiply entities unnecessarily, one correction factor seems preferable to two exotic phenomena that cannot be directly observed by definition.

But only if such a correction factor is theoretically justified AND explains all related observations AND is actually simpler.

There is just as much evidence these criteria are true as there is for dark stuff - currently none.

Comment Re:Everyone: please be specific! (Score 3, Interesting) 427

I definitely second that.

As an aside, you can generally expect a router to support things it does properly, at least you should be able to. Haven't seen too many routers certified as IPv6-ready (there's a comprehensive test suite out there by TAHI, it's not like it would be hard to verify) or even IPv6-capable, although a good number are both. So you can't trust the advertised capabilities as being either complete or correct.

There may also be hardware weirdness that means a feature won't work as expected whether with the regular firmware or a replacement.

Getting just the brand and revision is great, if you only want basic stuff. Which is most people. For freaks and geeks, we could use knowing if there's any really big, ugly omissions.

(I've done compatibility testing between network cards. It is unbelievable - or, at least, it should be unbelievable - how many network chipsets are defective. It's mostly obscure stuff, but bad silicon is expensive to fix, so you'd expect halfway decent testing. It just means all routers will do weird shit, so it's handy to know if it's weird shit that's likely to be a problem.)

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 101

You might want to check out NIST's page on authenticating+encrypting modes.

You might want to look at Diffe-Hellman key exchange, where nothing is provided that cannot be entrusted to a wiretapper.

You might want to look at the Byzantine class of problems and their use in encryption.

You might want to look at the reasons for and against random oracles.

I see very, very little in cryptography that has to do with trust. Almost everything is dedicated to assuming that nothing can be trusted. People are encouraged to compress data before encrypting it because even the maths isn't trusted.

Comment Re:Actually (Score 2) 371

Most of what you're complaining about is in the standard library, not the core language. The standard library is semi-open, you can alter the code, rip out what you don't want. Only the core language is Java, the rest is just a programming aid.

As for what COBOL has, Admiral Hopper was running software on a non-networked sequential architecture. This is rather different from operating in a multicore SMP-architectured server farm. There is nothing complicated about parallelism, but naivety and self-blinding are two great ways to make every mistake in the book - and then some.

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