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Comment NoScript, No MS, No Problem... (Score 1) 201

Lunixmachine and NoScript blocking not only Java applets (which have become very rare in the course of the last 15 years) but any sort of unwanted #+%&$! from being executed by the browser - so what's all that fear of Java about? Seriously, having read all the bullshit, mainstream media reported about the coming Javarmageddon, I don't think anyone has any clue about systems security or even responsible use of the interwebs nowadays. Assuming that people blindly rely on AV snakeoil and even those giving advice don't know the difference between Java applications and applets, Java's security holes seem to be the smallest part of the general problem. Imagine what might happen, if some serious zero-day-expolit comes up.

Comment Re:0.001km = 0.01hm = 1m = 10dm = 100cm = 1000mm (Score 1) 909

Not on a construction sites. On production sites, in factories, labs or workshops, however, yes. Brick and mortar or concrete parts usually have tolerances of a centimeter, so lengthes are indicated as cm and decimal (usually rounded on 5mm) there, for metal constructions milimiters are used. Micrometers and mm/10 or mm/100 are quite common in production, depending on the class of precision of the manufactured product.

Comment Re:Arsehole (Score 2) 1051

Couldn't agree more. If you read just the next two mails in the tread you'll find that Linus explains quite cleary what exactly pissed him off enough to get engaged at all. It clearly was the inacceptable fact that the guy who screwed it up answered his fellows' mail, describing the bug in a completely couterproductive way blaming him and generally denying having made a mistake. Instead of just fixing his own shit -or even taking a look at it- he was acting like the primadonna. Nothing is more poisonous for a project than this sort of arrogant and ignorant behaviour. He really had it coming and hopefully learned something about self-reflection. In the end he'd be way better off than just getting fired and never told why as it's common practice where HR droids are involved.

Comment Re:tempfix (Score 2) 54

You don't even need to do that. Let wp-supercache set up the rules for mod_rewrite as they are intended (or get your hoster to let you do so by p.e. installing mod_rewrite) and anyone trying to browse your plugin, includes or cache directory will get a nice 403 as a response. If that doesn't work your host or site is not really set up to run dynamic content. There's a little bit more to useful hosting than just installing PHP, Apache and MySQL...

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
