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Comment Random Assumptions. (Score 0) 194

So, what this article is saying is that as you increase the number of random assumptions the validity of linked assumption increases.

            -The Higgs Boson particle exists.
            -Nature abhors this particle.
            -Time travel is possible.
            -This inanimate particle will use this possible time travel to sabotage machine that can theoretically create theoretical particle.

Allow me to paraphrase in a manner that slashdotters understand.

            -Nature abhors slashdotters.
            -Time travel is possible
            -Slashdotters Procreate
            -Time warps and shifts so that the procreation never happens since it is so against the natural order of things.

OMG it is true................

Comment Re:As a healthcare professional (Score 0) 541

You are correct to pouint out the fact that the 90 year senior citizen (redundant statement) is not likely ention as much but you have just mentioned 2 of the 3 most susceptible groups of people. The other group being those with respiratory ailments or disease such as COPD, asthma, etc. Of all of the cases of swine flu, tell me how many were acquired in the hospital. Also, tell me how many healthcare professionals acquired it. If you answer to this last question is no greater than the general population as a whole then you have no case.

"If a hospital worker were to get sick, they could still unknowingly transmit the virus to other patients before they realized it."

You are under the assumption that the flu shot totally prevents one from getting or transmitting the flu virus and you are dead wrong. You don;t even have to have the virus yourself to transmit it. Your own ignorance would give you a false sense of security.

you sound like one of those ignoramus anuses who think that if everyone got vaccinated then the flu would be eliminated.

"-Did you stop to think WHY the rate is so low? It's low in hospitals because of the PRECAUTIONS that are taken. The rate is higher in schools because the only precautions taken in schools are hand-washing."
Thank you, I already made that point. Nice to see you had a good idea, oh wait, it was MY idea. You are also proving my point that maybe all school children should be forced to vaccinate or be expelled. I am sure many parents would reconsider the idea of forced vaccination of their children with an expedited release of a vaccine.

Next time open your mouth and stop talking out of your ass.

Comment As a healthcare professional (Score 0) 541

The previous inane comments with a hint of sarcasm are using the wrong analogy.
Construction workers WEARING hardhats and Astronauts WEARING spacesuits is akin to a nurse or doctor using UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS, which includes proper hand washing, WEARING gloves, masks, gown, and limiting the most infectious persons to a confined negative pressure space.

As a health care professional many of us are appalled that we are being forced into becoming guinea pigs for the drug companies.

In reality those most at risk are school children and anyone who takes public transportation or is in a confined space with others for an extended period of time. Cubical workers untrained in proper infection avoidance are more at risk than any hospital worker.

While you see a greater percentage of sick persons within the confines of a hospital, hospital staff are actually trained on how to limit transmission of disease whereas out in public, and especially in schools or universities there is no such training.

The biggest stories in the media are the number of CHILDREN who have succumb to the virus. So in reality all school aged children all the way up through graduate school should be the population receiving mandatory vaccinations.

Previous rate of hospital acquired flu infection are so low that they often fly under the radar, whereas SCHOOL acquired flu transmission is extremely high. The most common hospital acquired infection is a skin staph infection.

Most Health care professionals do not get the annual flu shot and even with this statistic there has not been any previous recent hospital acquired flu pandemic to warrant this mandatory vaccination program.

When you become the guinea pig for all of the wrong reasons, then you will understand our frustration.

Comment Who really cares? (Score 1, Insightful) 964

The biggest question is.

Who gets offended by these marketing tricks?
Is it whites, blacks, or the target market?

In thi s example the black guy was replaced, in the previous example the white guy was replaced. Both times I couldn't care less.

Some people get so offended if there is the slightest bit of "racial" incorrectness. Either this or they want to take a stand on something, anything, and this is the most convenient, sensitive issue they can find.

Frankly I am offended most by advertising in general. Specifically those that try to promote something that is unrealistic. ie: Weight loss PILLS, Drug companies telling everyone they have restless leg syndrome or the like. Who cares that the actors in an ad get swapped for another. Again these are paid actors/models. The photo is the property of the ad company or product's company and they are free to do with it what they want. There is nothing politically incorrect about the swap.
"Stand up" for real issues or take the easy route and pop an Enzyte.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 662

"How about the idea that it may act as an outlet to help suppress desires aluded to in your link in point 1 from being acted out for real?"

So I guess then we can send you a masturbation simulator... would you masturbate less??? No, it doesn't fulfill a goal.

Let me make this simple for you.
the Goal of masturbation is physical pleasure.
The Goal of a rapist is NOT physical pleasure, that would be solved with masturbation, it is wield power over someone else due to a sense of inferiority.

From WikiAnswers;
  "It is about power. If people feel powerless, and they aren't well-adjusted to society, then sometimes they can act out and try to feel good about themselves by hurting other people. With most people (thankfully) it doesn't get that far, but with others, who have certain obsessions or other mental problems, it does.

That is not to say that they have an excuse for doing so... it is an inexcusable act. But in general, it is about lack of self-esteem and needing to feel control on some level."

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 662

Exactly how I wanted to state it, but I couldn't piece the words together considering so many thoughts bombarded my brain at once.

Games serve a purpose and a good one at that.

As the parent stated, "Going around a fake city in a tank and blowing up every douchey car is just wholesome fun."
as well as...
Blowing up enemies in Halo3..
Killing Zombies in Left4Dead

For those of you who would like to use the argument that if you can murder in a game then why can't you rape in a game.
Consider this. The purpose that games serve is to satisfy a sense of success and achievement. There is always some goal of the game, usually one that requires some game play skill. The goals are to save the world, or even more simplistically remove the enemy. Oddly enough these things DO happen in real life, it is called WAR!!!!!

  Let's take GTA4 as a common example of a game where many not so moral things are possible. MOST gamers play the game to reach the goal and gain achievements. It is also great fun to explore the boundaries of the game by slapping hookers, robbing pedestrians, and shooting at cops, but if play the game where your only objective is to shoot at cops (ignoring the achievement of numerous felony stars) there may be some deep rooted hatred towards the police.

Now lets apply the same logic to this rape game. If you play a game with the objective of capturing and raping young girls you may want to look a little deeper inside yourself, and think about what your own objective is and consider why you would buy a game in the first place, then get professional help.

-Also a very strong supporter of free speech.

Comment WHY?????? (Score 0, Troll) 662

"It's gotten a lot of press as reviewers have noted at one point the player must force sex on a 12-year-old."

I almost vomited when I read this...
I always feel sickened to my stomach when you read news of some sick bastard who rapes someone, especially a child.
To have a "game" promote this as an achievement is disturbing.

There are plenty of strange sex acts that consenting adults can engage in, including fantasy rape scenes, that can border on the illegal but don't I am so disgusted I cannot even finish my thoughts.

Promoting such acts should be banned, and anyone who actually performs such an act should be castrated/killed.

Comment Almost got it.... (Score 2, Interesting) 134

The feedback system is certainly a step in the right direction as well as using the idea of the "falling forward" concept of walking. For the other posters who stated it "walked funny" you didn't notice that the ankles of the Runbot are locked in position and it merely rolls on its "foot" until the next step. You try walking with your ankles in a fixed position and we will see if you don't look funny doing so. If the feedback system can be extended to small motors in the ankles I think the appearance of the Runbot walking would be a lot more realistic, and therefor a lot more acceptable to the anal, obcessive-compulsive Slashdot community.

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