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Comment Re:Not us. (Score 1) 322

Hey I'm just telling it like it is. If they want to keep their product to themselves, then sell it on paper, but once you put it on the internet, it is out there, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. The internet is currently like the wild west, and any laws that are put on it will either be circumvented, or just stifle innovation all together.

Comment Re:Not us. (Score 2, Insightful) 322

such as giving credit where its due

This is done with the "By: (authors name here)" part of the article. Are there websites that are dropping this portion?

and supporting the people who actually do the legwork to research news stories

This portion is done by whoever the reporter/writer is working for. If that business has trouble collecting funds for their product, well, thats their problem, and they need to fix it themselves, not go running to the government for help/protection.

Comment Re:I can live with it (Score 1) 640

No, in that sense, I think its kind of funny at certain times where people feel socially uncomfortable, like when someone realizes they are in a room where they are out of their element, or when they unknowingly and/or accidentally attract attention to themselves. These are times where I become an asshole and do what I can to provoke or further the situation causing them uncomfortableness (is this a word?).
Yeah, Im a jerk and I think its funny.

Comment Re:I can live with it (Score 1) 640

This statement makes me think back to watching movies with my parents when I was younger. People killing each other, blood, guts, gore, no prob, but two people have even an extended kiss in a movie, everyone gets unconfortable and one of them or me would leave the room. Sex scenes are just more offensive and/or disturbing than violence when a family is involved, I can't explain it, its just the way it is. Maybe one of our psychology knowledgeable /.ers can enlighten me.

Comment Re:They don't need the litigation anymore (Score 1) 221

Exactly, people need to start reading those agreements. I read mine with Comcast for an assignment last week, and found out I am not allowed to host a website or even remotely connect to my home with the service I am currently subscribed to. If they find that I am doing either of these, they can disconnect me w/o warning and not accept me back as a customer if they choose. Of course, I do both these things regularly (I use TightVNC, so with their broad wording, I am violating both the hosting and remote access restrictions)so I am just waiting for them to take some type of action, I which case I will have to just find a new ISP.

Comment Not their job (Score 1) 1306

I will leave my personal beliefs of evolution vs creationism / the compatibilism arguments aside and just state that there is no reason why either belief/theory needs to be taught in any public k12 school. Their purpose is to prepare students for either college or a job once they graduate, and these subjects are in no way doing anything to further the intellect of a student for life outside of high school.

Comment No problem with Apple, but some of its users, cmon (Score 1) 1147

While it is very simple to hate Ballmer and everything he says and does, I can't help but see where he is coming from. Most people who I know who use macs are hardly competent users, mostly just artsy tools who carry their laptops under their arms like a book rather than in their bags, I'm guessing to show off the fact that "I have a mac, I'm different, look at me."

Comment Re:Is anyone surprised? (Score 5, Insightful) 784

It's hard not to think the huge furor about the bonuses is being whipped up as some sort of distraction

It was a distraction, while the Fed pumps another $1 trillion into circulation:
Which will either head off deflation (never in history been successful) or cause hyperinflation, while we are worried about 0.1% of AIG's bailout funds.

Comment Re:Yawn. (Score 1) 610

All just theories in ethics (or thats where I studied it), you have a compatibilist POV with a determinist leaning, which really cant be disproven (is that a word?), unless we are able to find parallel universe where different decisions have been made and we can see the effects those decisions have had on yourself and everyone else.

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