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Comment Re:How legacy is legacy? (Score 2) 68

If you absolutely have to use IE6, go to Internet Options's Advanced tab and check TLS 1.0 and while you are at it uncheck SSL 2.0. But of course the preferred solution is to upgrade and while you are it please also update to XP SP3 if you hasn't already. There is no WGA check in WinXP service pack in general, despite such misconceptions.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Which Australis features would you like to turn on/off?

yuhong writes: I'd like user feedback on exactly which Firefox Australis features would you like to be able to turn on/off. Each choice adds complexity to the code which creates maintenance overhead, which is why this feedback is important.

Submission + - A wishlist for Satya (blogspot.ca)

yuhong writes: I just posted a wishlist for Satya on my own blog. Notice I provided a proposal for cleaning up the OOXML mess.

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