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Comment WAS THIS FRESHMEAT? (Score 2) 62

That used to be REALLY valuable, in the old days - which we then considered new-school. You know! The years of "Cathedral and Bazaar" and "Cluetrain"...

Now? I really won't bother building Windowmaker applets or from source. :-)

Do you want some schadenfreude? Re-read "Cluetrain Manifesto" while thinking of Facebook and AWS.

Comment Re:Tie this in with the battery tech from Tesla... (Score 2, Insightful) 262

They SAY they are a solar panel company.

Really? They are a finance company - selling debt. The sales come-on is laid on pretty thick, by cold calling with a claim to having you pay negative energy bills.

If the actual numbers work out when their quota sales guy arrives? Then you buy their SolarCity system, which you cannot modify or upgrade. Do you want emergency off-grid capability? Sorry, no can do. Thiel has arrangements with the big, incumbent local monopolies. When they are down? You are down.

There are better options, and cells with better efficiency. Shop around if you want solar, and don't get stuck with a 15 year finance deal on panels that become obsolete several years before they add equity.

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"All the people are so happy now, their heads are caving in. I'm glad they are a snowman with protective rubber skin" -- They Might Be Giants
