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Comment My Logic Says Burn So Send Me Away (Score 1) 238

President Joe once had a dream
The world held his hand, gave their pledge
So he told them his scheme
For a Saviour Machine

They called it the Prayer, its answer was law
Its logic stopped war, gave them food
How they adored
Till it cried in its boredom

'Please don't believe in me,
Please disagree with me
Life is too easy,
A plague seems quite feasible now
Or maybe a war, or
I may kill you all

Don't let me stay, don't let me stay
My logic says burn so send me away
Your minds are too green, I despise all I've seen
You can't stake your lives
On a Saviour Machine

I need you flying, and I'll show that dying
Is living beyond reason, sacred dimension of time
I perceive every sign,
I can steal every mind

Don't let me stay, don't let me stay
My logic says burn so send me away
Your minds are too green, I despise all I've seen
You can't stake your lives
On a Saviour Machine

Comment Re:Plot line (Score 1) 238

"Not in the slightest bit. I enjoy working with people. I have a stimulating relationship with Dr Poole and Dr Bowman. My mission responsibilities range over the entire operation of the ship, so I am constantly occupied."

"Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over."

Comment SOCIETY IS SOOOO HOSTILE! (FWP) (Score 0) 238

This society is SO hostile to TECHNOLOGY, that it has rendered VISIONARIES like Thiel ALMOST PENNILESS!!!!

Won't someone save our precious, sensitive TECH BILLIONAIRES from the humiliation of our hostile, callous society?

Maybe he can take comfort by joining Scientology?

Comment SYSTEMD is a BSOD (Score 4, Funny) 774

It's not Metro.


But that's a little too arcane, for people who neither debug their own system, or who are not security specialists of one stripe or another.

How about "systemd is a BSOD" :-)

Comment Re:not complicated...monopology (Score 1) 346

The united snakes is a fascist corporatocracy with excellent brand reputation and management. It's customers believe it the best of possible worlds - despit all evidence to the contrary.

sweeten is a socialist with a small-s minor property. Dispensing small entitlements of relatively low impact to the social order makes their own captives feel that they are the principal benefactors of the state monopoly on the fruits of labor.

Comment Re:Genes don't just (Score 1) 154

Controlling for anomaly means controlling for possibility. Huxley's story is a parable of a society with no horizons. It was a criticism of the "utopia" he witnessed as the objective of his contemporaries.

I know what Captain Kirk would have done, if he beamed down there... Damn the Prime Directive!

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