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Comment KDP Select (Score 2, Insightful) 165

There are so many indie books because, AIUI, you cannot choose to have a book included in Kindle Unlimited unless you are providing it to Amazon under the KDP Select program. This program gets you higher percentages and free marketing and promotional tools. The tradeoff is that whatever books you have in the program be available exclusively from Amazon. This is a tradeoff that is going to make sense for many authors, but is just horrible for readers. And in the long run, the lock-in this inspires is bad for the authors too.

See Chris Wright's rant.

Comment Re:TC developer used hidden message!!! (Score 2) 475

Yes, it seems pretty clear to me that this is a warrant canary.

It may still be that they triggered it (or let it self-trigger via inaction) out of lack of desire to continue the project.

In any case, the presumed goal of the canary - making sure that no one trusts any future TrueCrypt version released via the normal channel - has certainly been successful.

Comment Re:Short Sighted (Score 1) 232

This. Though that three months sounds exeedingly generous to me. It takes very little time to get up to speed enough to start working with a new fad/language/API/SDK, especially if you are willing to bare your ignorance by asking questions where needed.

Comment Re:Preposterous (Score 1) 288

Because the whole point of a "correct horse battery staple" password is to make a password you can remember simply as a story. It is counterproductive to add in foreign words (to the extent that makes a story harder) or other rules like how to represent accented characters or what punctuation to put between words.

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