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The Internet

Submission + - The World's Most Influential Person is... moot (

AlastairLynn writes: "From TIME: In a stunning result, the winner of the third annual TIME 100 poll and new owner of the title World's Most Influential Person is moot. The 21-year-old college student and founder of the online community, whose real name is Christopher Poole, received 16,794,368 votes and an average influence rating of 90 (out of a possible 100) to handily beat the likes of Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Oprah Winfrey. To put the magnitude of the upset in perspective, it's worth noting that everyone moot beat out actually has a job. Well, well."

Submission + - Pwn2Own 2009 Winner Charlie Miller Interviewed

crazipper writes: "Tom's Hardware interviewed Charlie Miller, winner of this year's Pwn2Own contest and formerly with the NSA. He discusses the effort it took before the contest to be able to take down a MacBook within seconds, sandboxing, and the effectiveness of the NX bit and ASLR. His outlook on end-users protecting themselves against attacks? "Users are at the mercy of the products they buy.""
The Courts

Submission + - Scientology confirms Xenu exists (

Kingcanute writes: In an interview with on ABC channel 3, spokesperson for the Church of Scientology, Tommy Davis, admits the legitimacy of the infamous OT documents, and by extention, the existence of Xenu.

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