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Comment Re:Band of Brothers (Score 1) 352

Read the first post:

All of this is a pain, but sovereignty is already ticking to regain control. They have a little over two months to destroy us, before we get sovereignty three to re-acitvate our jammers, bridges and whatnot.

It just means this time the eve community can't cry that Titans are over-powered, dev hacks, etc. I didn't point it out since I referenced in some degree in the original post.

This time around there is no MC, RA and the handful of larger alliances with the first Delve war. This war will be a blast and the general morale of Bob/GBC is "excitement" since we have been sieging towers for the last seven months. Now we get to be on the defensive and have some fun.

The Goon Coalition has a small window to have success, but while they are in Delve they will be losing their sov 4 systems in Detroid while hoping to destroy BoB, which won't happen. They will ultimately have no home to return to, but maybe the Northern Coalition can find a nice cozy system from the dregs of the internet to fofofof in. :)

We are looking forward to it for the fights and fun, while the Goonies are doing it to prove a point and spread grief. Win or lose, it will be a fun time the next two-three months. We do not "failscade" and will not give up our home systems. We have build friendships over the last few years that will last a lifetime, so there is true comradeship and not smackfriends from Something Awful. :)

We are the bullies of Eve since we like fighting, which has made us unpopular with a good portion of Eve.

Hate us or love us, we always bring it. This time around it's personal.

Comment Re:Band of Brothers (Score 1) 352

Anonymously cowardly,

Good luck, hopefully you will have a home to return to after you lose. We have no ranks to fill since numerous people are resubbing, so meh.

I am not a pubbie btw. :)

You have crap for logistics, you have crap for fc's and your simply looking for an exit to go into your next game and get your griefing giggles.

Enjoy the ride, we are looking forward to keeping our chainsaws oiled. :)

Comment Re:Band of Brothers (Score 1) 352

There is no collapse, so apparently the griefing they are feeding from is self perceived? :) A name is a name and we will all continue to march through this problem into the next.

We will also motivate the Something Awful forums to find some other way to get their kicks. No emorage, quitting or crying was seen on behalf of the BoB corporations. Surely, this was not the desired grief that was sought. Granted, people were shocked and all, but it's business in usual in Delve.

The circle jerk will be over shortly and Goons will run back with their tails between their legs, again.

Rinse, lather, repeat as necessary.

Comment Re:Band of Brothers (Score 1) 352

All we lost was sovereignty, so we still have hundreds of pos's and a large amount of resources. The only thing this achieved was the removal of the alliance name, nothing more and nothing less. All of the valuable items were in personal hangars and the small amount of isk that was stolen was simply for consumable expenses.

The only thing this honestly did is cause a bunch of old BoB members to resub and get interested again the game. In the next two months while we hold onto Delve we will have thousands of GBC pilots fighting the rest of the game. The opposition only has two months to remove all of our towers and.or place their own.

That map shows that we now have Sov 1 in all of our systems, minus a couple. In two weeks we will have Sov 2 and then two weeks after that we will have Sov 3. If they can not remove us from Delve in twenty seven downtimes (sov is based on morning dt's) than they have accomplished nothing outside of a huge PR campaign.

Internally there are several members that are convinced this was an intended act by BoB to get everyone to focus on Delve while we have allies pounding our enemies home system. The on true thing it has accomplished is getting everyone interested in all of the fights the next two months will bring.

Comment Band of Brothers (Score 5, Interesting) 352

I am a member of Band of Brothers and the only thing this has caused is a renewed interest on the part of the Alliance.

For them to remove us they will need to remove all of our moon mining and sovereignty towers. We have hundreds of capital ships and around 2k people waiting for the morons to come running into the chainsaw.

All of this is a pain, but sovereignty is already ticking to regain control. They have a little over two months to destroy us, before we get sovereignty three to re-acitvate our jammers, bridges and whatnot.

Considering we have war supplies and motivation, they will not be successful and their chest beating is simply propaganda.

In the last 24 hours almost all of BoB and their allies have fallen back to Delve to get ready for the fight. Before we mobilized they were tooting their horns about taking stations and anchoring pos's, but when push came to shove they didn't wish to engage.

This is not newsworthy, but a "Blue Falcon" act by a friend of BoB.

Comment Privacy? (Score 1) 713

First off it's a ludicrous idea that the ACLU will challenge in federal courts the moment it (Big IF) is passed.

Having a gps monitored by the state (or third party)is just waiting for the law enforcement bureaus to subpoena to find out what Mr. Anderson was doing when his alibi says he was banging his mistress, instead of killing his wife.

It will never get off the ground.....

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