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Submission + - Apple partners with IBM and Japan Post to support ageing populations (

An anonymous reader writes: IBM and Apple have joined in a partnership today to address Japan’s growing population of senior citizens. Apple CEO Tim Cook and IBM CEO Ginni Rometty announced the collaborative project at IBM’s Watson headquarters in New York. The two tech chiefs were joined on stage by president and CEO of the Japan Post Group, Taizo Nishimuro – himself almost 80 years old. Nishimuro discussed the enormous pressure that his home country is under from its growing population over the age of 65. The Apple/IBM scheme will start by supplying iPads to the elderly Japanese community, containing downloaded iOS apps designed to support older citizens. For example, large typefaces and dictation features will be included, specifically developed to help those who are hard of hearing or have difficulties with their vision. IBM has also pledged a collection of custom-built apps via its Global Business Services group, which will feature medication reminders, exercise information and diet apps, as well as grocery shopping and job search services.

Comment Re:I despise the people that say NO TV. (Score 1) 244

You omitted the second date. So... maybe a trip to the Highbröw Bar and Grille or maybe the Stuffed Shirt competition at the Hipster Vapor Pub?

Look. My issue (and I think that of others here) is that the people who "Don't do television" feel the need to extoll the virtues of their choice while attempting to diminish or belittle those of us who feel differently. Any time a topic with the word "television" in the text comes up, the anti-TV gang crawls out of the woodwork to parade their elitist viewpoint.

It just gets old.

If you don't enjoy television, great! I'd rather hear about your tango-coptering which DOES sound like some serious fun.

Comment Where's my option? -1! (Score 1) 244

Being the elitist snob I am, I proudly proclaim my superiority over them asses, er "The Masses" by flaunting the fact I, do not dirty myself with the white-trash media known as "television."

Notice how I proclaim how my world view is so vastly superior to yours with my commentary. "I actually go outside!" or "My brain is not rotted!" or even "My family hasn't watched television in 20 years and now we're all brain surgeons."

Sure it's hackneyed and trite but it's SO true!

Yes. I don't watch TV and I need everyone to know my personal choice means my life is better that yours.

Comment Excerpt from BSG (Score 2) 343

"Galactica is a reminder of a time when we were so frightened by our enemies that we literally looked backward for protection..."

... and, of course ...

"... But I will not allow a networked, computerized system to be placed on this ship while I am in command."

We live in a world of Cylons.

Comment Re:Good luck with that. (Score 1) 558

Really? You're comparing someone stealing your credit card number to this?

No solution is completely secure because humans have to interact with it. The best solution balances the needs of security while promoting ease of use. Credit cards are easy to use but wildly insecure. Applepay is easier to use and MORE secure. Even if we had Chip+Pin active last year, it would not have stopped the (Target, Home Depot, Neiman Marcus, etc.) breaches. The POS terminals were hacked, so the PIN data was sent to the bad guys along with the credit card data.

Since the only thing the POS terminal gets from Applepay is a one-time use token, the hacks would have been ineffective had Applepay been in use.

Comment No incentive = why would they want it anyway? (Score 1) 558

They should want it because WE want it. It's a customer-focused system that is more secure and convenient for the customer.

My only issue with google's system is storing my data in the cloud. I'm old enough to not trust the cloud to keep my data secure. Apple is showing up at *exactly* the right time as thousands (millions?) of people are being hacked due to the antiquated systems currently in place. Apple pay is a disruptive technology and will change the way brick-and-mortar transactions are handled.

I'm putting CVS and RiteAid in the "Ballmer" classification of forward thinkers.

Comment My solution: (hint-it's cold, and it's hard...) (Score 1) 558

Yes, yes. You are a much better, nicer and more intelligent person than I because you use cash. I'll bet you're a Vegan and only watch PBS telethons.

Cash is simply inconvenient and risky. If I lose my wallet or am mugged, I can't just "turn off" my cash. It's gone and yes, it's completely my fault for losing the wallet or getting mugged. I've tried several times to put my cash into the DVD slot on my PC when buying off of Amazon. It just never works!

Transaction by NFC (at least apple pay) at this point in time, is far more secure than cash.

Comment Re:Good luck with that. (Score 1) 558

OK. From a purely physical perspective, I rarely carry my credit card alone in my pocket. So, I have to bring out whatever I keep it in, open that up, then swipe the scanner. My phone is in my pocket all the time. Bring it out, thumb the scanner and transaction done.

Now, that in and of itself isn't enough to sell me on apple pay. What IS enough is that no one can steal my credit card number. I no longer type in a pin anywhere (except Costco, damn it) due to the POS hacks that have gone on recently. Before you throw out your "whoppee", take a moment to be informed and realize that the apple pay is far and away more secure than using a credit card. Add in the fact that my personal data (what I bought) is not initially shared outside of the retailer.

I will admit, though, having an NPC to swipe your credit card would be convenient. Although I'd make sure to check his alignment, first.

Comment Re:Good luck with that. (Score 1) 558

OK. So your comment betrays a profound lack of knowledge of how Applepay (and society in general) works.

First, I'm far and away NOT a teenager and I have my phone with me all the time. I keep my drivers license in my phone case as well as one extra credit card. Wallet comes with me rarely.

The process for an apple pay transaction is this:

Cashier: "So, that'll be $9.27"
Customer: Smiles, says "OK." Pulls phone from pocket, puts it up to the scanner. Presses fingerprint scanner until she feels the confirmation vibration. Store terminal confirms transaction.
Cashier: "Thank you!"

No unlocking. No Pin. No typing. No "futzing".

This isn't about being an obedient customer. It's about being an informed customer.

Submission + - Kid's Self-esteem When Sibs are Smart 1

cookiej writes: So, we've got an issue and while I was trying to come up with a place to put this, it occurred to me that other slashdotters might have wrestled with this particular issue.

I have a son, 5 who is very bright and a daughter, 6 (1st grade) who is also bright but is proceeding at a more normal pace when it comes to reading and math.

My son starts kindergarten in the fall. His reading is pretty close to surpassing hers. He does math in his head and gets concepts that are baffling to many his age... you get the idea.

While I don't think he'll be going to MIT for summer school, I expect we'll see our share of AP classes before his school career is ended.

The issue I'm facing is finding a balance between nurturing and fostering my son and not making my daughter feel as though she's being left behind. She's a great 1st grade artist, however, as much as we gush about her artwork (and we have at least one of those framed on the wall) she hears most adults ooh and ahh when my son starts talking.

I'd love to hear from others who've been here.

Thanks in advance, Slashdot!

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