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Comment Re:I trust the state no matter what (Score 5, Insightful) 374

Denmark says otherwise.

You can have a strong capitalism for economic growth, and you can use the power and money created from the economic growth to support strong social programs.
Denmark as some of the strong private property laws in the world.

Your post is born from idiocy and ignorance.

Comment Re:I am shocked (Score 1) 374

"Trump shut down travel from China just a few days later."
LOL. no. He:

"temporarily barred entry by foreign nationals who had traveled in China within the previous 14 days, with exceptions for the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents"

So no, he didn't "shut down" travel.
And this was after airline started slowing travel.

Comment Re:Ok, but.... (Score 1) 374

Since he has posted, literally, thousands of lies, if he says the sky is blue, then something bad has happened and he's trying to get us to not look.
Then we do look up and see that it's turned red.
Then we point that out to you Trumpanzees
and you scream fake news back at us, Even while looking at the sky.

Your emperor has no cloths, and you need to come to terms with that.

Comment Re:This has been obvious... (Score 1) 374

yes, but lets not forget that China can lock everything down. Literal stop trucks, test the driver, and if positive take them to a hospital while leaving the truck by the side of the road.
So one would expect a dramatic drop off once that is in full force.

Try doing that in the US.

Again, yes China is lying, but it's not as cut and dry as 'everything they say is the opposite of whats happening.'

Comment Re:Wouldn't it be nice to get direct info from Chi (Score 1) 374

It is Trumps fault.
The US know's CCP lies, and that why we had people there to verify and get us actual info.
Trump got rid of him.
SO in what way is that not Trumps fault?

All you snowflakes cucks do the same thing: You change what was said and then scream about it.

No one said China lying is Trumps fault, they said he got rid of the person who allowed the US to see through those lies.
"n January but China told the WHO to back off and lie for them,"
I see right wing propganda is doing its job.
Because none of that is true.

Comment Re:China, and everyone else... (Score 1) 374

Those of us that understand whats involved? yes, testing is that hard.
That was made even hard with the GOP trying to down play it until the made money, with the GOP trying to get private companies to do it instead of the government agency designed for it, and the WH giving preferred action to state that favor him.

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