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Comment Re:Complain over nothing? (Score 1) 610

"- Apple pushed something on us that we did not ask for, just so that U2 could reach multi-platinum status with the latest album almost instantly."
Apple gave you a gift.

" Apple forced the music taste of their CEO on everyone with an iTunes account. "
A gift the CEO enjoys and wanted to share with you.

"- A lot of people have monthly data quotas, "
Why would they have automatic updates on, if there data plan was so limited?
Or maybe you didn't know that and are just spouting ignorant crap?

"- the iTunes algorithms make recommendations based on our purchases."
and clearly, you don't understand how that works.

Bunch of rude ignorant internet anger over nothing. You must just be a joy at parties.

Comment Oh no! hipster outrage (Score 0) 610

Apple gives a gift to people.
People spend more time outraged then simply deleting it.

Imagine it's the US* festival, and as people are leaving, Apple is handing out free cassettes from a band.
Now imagine standing there and screaming at Apple for giving you music, spittle flying out of your mouth, say 'HOW DARE YOU GIVE ME FREE MUSIC, YOU MONSTERS ERRRGH!!!"

Or would you just say no thanks and continue on?


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